পাতা:আবকারস্‌ হ্যাণ্ডবুক.djvu/১১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

iii things that men of the Abkar's iutelligence and educa: tion can derive no benefit from it. Feeling this, I have, explained in this book not only the re-ent ch sugas regarding the outstills, but the rules franced by the Board which Abkars should know. I have carefully avoided those that are necessary for the excise officers and those that are not necessary for the Abkars. I have translated them in as easy language as posssible and I hope they will find no difficulty whatever in understauding them. I have given in a preface a short summary of the Report of the Excise Commission and the results of the Foperiments of Dr. Warden in the manufacture of country spirit. In order to inake this Hand Book complate I have also given the Bengali translation of, the Excise and Opium laws I have fixed the price of this bouk as doeap as posible ; infact it will barely cover the cost for printing aud publication, so that every Abkar may get a copy without feeling áFiy hardship. As far as I know they are ready to spend any suru to get a book which will help thein and make clear to them all the Excise Rules; for then they will av eid innumerable .difficulties and botheration which they now labour under, If the book come to any he'p to the Abkars I shall oonsidër that my tinue iu comptling the book has not been misspent, and my labors have L. ,t been it, waln. I am indebted in this attempt, to Iny e'd : brother Babu Ganendra Nath Pal of the Salòrdinate Executive service now"on special duty in charge of the Excise Works of Hughly and Howrab, and to Babu Gangadhur Ghose,