পাতা:ইছামতী - বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়.pdf/১৪৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।

 —Well, what have you been up to all day?

 —I was checking up audit accounts and-

 That's so. Now, listen to my words. Our guns were intact but they ceased fire while you were standing idly by with your wily Dewan waiting for orders No, David, I really think, the way you did it was ever so odd and tactless, Mend up your ways to Kaviraj. I mean it. You know, there aren't any secrets. You see?

 —Yes Mr Shipton.

 —Now you can retire. I am dreadfully tired. Things are coming to a head. If you don't mind, I will rather dine in my room with Mrs. —

 Please yourelf, Mr. Shipton. Good night.

 ছোটসাহেব ঘর থেকে বারান্দায় চলে যেতে শিপ টন্ সাহেব তাকে ডেকে বললেন—Look here David, there's a funny affair in this week's paper. Rim Gopal Ghosh that native orator who speaks like Burke, has spoken in the Calcutta Town Hall last week in support of Indians entering the Civil Service! What the devil the government is up to I do not know, David. Why do they allow these things to go on, beyond me. Things are not looking quite as they ought to Here s another-you know Hirsh Mookherjee, the downy old bird, of the Hindu Patriot?

 —Yes, I think so,

 —He led a depuration the other day to our old Guv'nor against us, planters. You see?