
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| 19 could not save him. Hearing this testimony from every one, the king was overwhelmed with afliction, and fetching a deep siglo, deplored the loss of Bhuguvan pundit. One day as the king was parading through the city with his troops, ministers, and musicians on the occasion of a great festival, Bhuguvan in the most wretched plight, anxious to see the king, yet unable to break through the press of the troops, ascended aoreat tree, and called out to the king with a loud voice, “I am your pundit Bhuguvan.” On hearing these sounds, all his attendants advised the king to take his way through another street, as the spirit of the deceased Bhuguvan was uttering its moans from the tree. The king hearing this, and confiding in their report, looked not up towards the tree, but took another direction and returned to his own palace. On seeing this, the poor pundit repeated the verse above quoted. “ Devote yourself as werl to the king's ministers, as to the king; serve not the king alone. Alas! through the influence of the king's ministers, Bhuguvan pundit is become aspirit.” ১৩৯। অবস্থা পূজ্যতে রাজনন শরীর-২ শরীরিণা^ ৷ 139. O king, the object of worship is not the man, but his station.