পাতা:ক্লাইব চরিত - সত্যচরণ শাস্ত্রী.pdf/১৪৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পাশ্চাত্য সত্যতা বর্জনীয় । S8X সভ্যতা আমাদের সৰ্ব্বনাশ সাধনের উপক্রম করিয়াছে। আমাদিগকে এরূপ মন্ত্রমুগ্ধ প্রায় করিয়াছে যে আমরা নিজেকে সৰ্ব্বতেভোবে অসভ্য, অক্ষম, অজ্ঞ বিবেচনা করিয়া থাকি। এ illustration of the worst effects of consanguin it y in pionnoting weak mindedness, deplay it y and downlight mania. In dealing with the modern dynastles of Ivul ope, Jacoby finds abundant material loi Supporting his theory. The subject being one of some novelty and importance, it may be well to indicate in a few words the French writer's line of research, remal king mel cly that he scems disposed to attach an exaggerated signific ance to cucentric it les of character upon which the histol 1 ans have but lightly touched. Passing over his analysis of the vnrious Savoy, Spanisl, and I'ortuguese dynasties —a un loi m record of vice, madness, and ster lity-we come to the royal lam il 1es ol England In the-Plantagenet period the rival houses of Lancaster and York, Jacoby declares, we c both degenerate, the for mer being a family of fools and imbeciles, the latt er of k naves, including Richard III, whose paralysis and de loi mities mtlieated the neutropathic nature ol the family \ illa Iny. The Tudols were in similar case. Henry VIII was cruel, Sanguinary, and lascivious : h is son Edward VI died at eighteen, and a tendency to early death as well as sterility, be it remembered, is an unfailing sign of family degeneracy, — while his daughter Mary was sanatical and childless, and his other daughter Elizabeth ecoent ric, avaricious, crucl, and malformed. Among the Stuarts insanity declared itself as carly as the time of James V, and through Maly, Queen of Scots the taint was communicated to James I. of England who was foolish, fanatical, cowardly, slovenly, and given to stuttering. To the daught er of James I, Elizabeth, Who married thể Elector Palatine Frederitk V, and who s”rved