পাতা:বঙ্কিম-কণিকা - বিমলচন্দ্র সিংহ.pdf/৪৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বঙ্কিম-কণিকা of an ascetic. Of these, the first is a life of fulfilment of temporal purposes, and is therefore inferior. The second is for the fulfilment of desires in regard to future life, and therefore, though still inferior, is comparatively superior. The third alone is a life of unselfish ends, and therefore stuperior. The third alone is a life of unselfish ends, and therefore the noblest. The first and lowest life was rejected long ago ; the second has had to be abandoned in this Kali-Yuga. This rejection is in accordance to the behests of the Shastras. Just as twelve kinds of recognised sons have gradually dwindled down to two or three, as the eight forms of marriage have gradually...... SDన