পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (একাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/২৩৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

209 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : একাদশ খন্ড OPS NR 3/26 261 500 SR-114 Fm :- Sub Sector 2 To :- HQ Sector 1 No.- G-1014. Secret. Sitrep No 02. En started firing indiscriminately from Champaknagar, (GR 7534 Map 79 M/9) Ballavpur (SQ-7434 Map 79 N/Q) and Chayghairya (GR-741367 M/S 79 n/9) by two hmgs, two lmgs and other wons at 0.130 hrs on ni 24/25 Sep. En fired a few 3 inch mor shells also at the same time. We replied from the f.d.l. No cas on own side. En planted two A/TK mines behind our Karimatila (GR-75-3351 M/S 79 M/9) def at ni 24/25 Sep. Our own pis and brought back. Complete two pis are now at Karimatila def. Latest info from Belonia (GR628670 M/S 79 M/8) is that en has pulled out max towards Srinagar (GR-737373 M/S 79 m/9) side. They are making stronger def these sides. The rest I will let you know later on. R/1610 Bismilla Sd/-lllegible 26/9/71 米 米 р NR2/26 DTG 260915 GR-144 Fm : Sub Sector 3 To :- HQ No I sector No. G-2008. Secret. Your G-0964 Sep 23 our S-00X)3 22 Sep. En strength at rgr estimated 3 coys including FFs scouts and Razakars. Reportedly two trucks were busy shifting tps towards their rear on 24 Sep. They have built strong bunkers around RGR. At Bagan Bazar five army soldiers supposed to be from FFR were seen standing with rifles while Bengali Civilians were working bunkers for them. One Coy of army plus one Coy of Razakars are there. At Andhar Manik one Coy plus of army (FF) scouts and Razakars. They have one coy at Chikan Chari of Razakars cmm Scouts and army. Heakhu is held by two Coys plus of army cmm Razakars and Scouts. Most of our approaches are mined near entrance and at odd places. Reces going on. En posns holding normal cmm Coy wipns of Chinese origin. Mor posin not yet located. R/1050 101/1/GS (0) Sd/-Illegible 26/9/71