পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/৩৯২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

360 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড The normal population of Dacca city of 800 mosques, is two million; two-thirds have fled to the countryside and those who remain live in terror of the military. The green and white Pakistan flags flying everywhere over the Bengali city are simply tokens of defeat and surrender. Some Pakistan Army officers do not seem to be restrained by a code of honor any more stringent than one drawn up by Attila, the Hun. The killing began at the University about one in the morning. The students in bed in their residential halls heard the Army vehicles approaching. Most of them thought the military were coming to make a few more arrests. A few of the militants made sure that the rifles they had collected from the townspeople over the past few weeks were well hidden. Nobody thought he would have to fight. Nobody had more than a few rounds of ammunition, anyway. Suddenly searchlights were played on the windows, dazzling the students so that they had to quail and turn away. Then came the Punjabi and Baluchi soldiers with their Chinese AK-47 automatic rifles, smashing the window glass with their butts and spraying the dormitories with fire. A few students got to the rooftops, where they managed to Squeeze off one or two shots with their old bolt-action rifles before they were picked up in the searchlights and killed. Others came running out Screaming, with their hands up only to be stood against the walls of their halls and mown down with machine-gun fire from tanks and armored cars. Survivors were finished off with the bayonet. Lecturers killed in the attack were: Dr. G. C. Deb, head of the Department of Philosophy; Dr. A. N. Maniruzzaman, head of the Statistics Department; and Dr. Obinosor Chackrobharti, reader of the English Department and Provost of Jagannath Hall, the only Hindu residential hall. Five other lecturers, whose names I was not able to collect, are also thought to be dead, Dr. Innas Ali, head of the Physics Department, is said to be seriously injured. Resistance at the H.Q. of the East Pakistan Rifles (border police) and city police stations were bloody, but short-lived. Even so, the West Pakistanis are said to have been surprised at the ferocity of the fighting. The races who formed the elite of Britain's Indian Army now live in West Pakistan and share the Imperial Englishman's contempt for the artistic little Bengalis, who usually manage to kill people only when they are scared or angry, as they are now. Rape, Loot And Murder After Dark "The Army has taken its licks, too, one diplomat told us. At a place called Kushtia-a rail way town on the banks of the Ganges—the military paid dearly for underestimating the enemy when they split up a company of about 80 Baluchi infantry, stationing some in the automatic telephone exchange, some in the police station and some in other places. Vastly outnumbered, the groups were hacked to pieces one at a time. Most of them fought to the death.