পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/৬৪৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

61 | বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড (v) Tahseen Muhammad Tahseen Muhammad is a PIA steward who has been flying "more than what is good for me" between Karachi and Dacca during the past few months. This is what be told me: When the crisis came, we were flying to and fro like mad-taking troops to Dacca and returning with plane-loads of maimed and wounded women and children. Most of the victims were Biharis. We have flown thousands of them. Many had their eyes knifed out of their sockets by the Bangladesh forces. There were woman with breasts cut, Children who almost went insane after witnessing the beheading of their fathers. I have seen enough horrible scenes to keep me awake at night for the rest of my life. We were children when Jinnah launched the Pakistan movement. We were afraid of being massacred by the Hindus in India and never thought we would see the day Muslim would butcher Muslim in a fashion worthy of Hitler. KAYHAN (INTERNATIONAL), AUGUST 1, 1971 THE DECLINE AND FALL OF SHEIKH MUJIB By Amir Taheri In the middle of Dacca's fashionable Dhanmandi district there is a pale yellow three-storied building which is said to be haunted by ghosts in the dark nights of the monsoon. Most of the windows are broken and there are bullet marks on almost every wall. The wild ivy pursues its green conquest of the mud-brick walls encouraged by generous rain. Amid of thick leaves of the old trees there are soaked little slogans saying: Joy Bangla (Long Live Bengal). People who pass from the street on which the houses are situated make sure to keep their distance from this badly designed semi-Georgian house that has already been shrouded into legend. The house belongs to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the goaled leader of the Awami League whose meteoric rise to popularity and his equally sudden decline and fall have become something of a dream mixed with hints of nightmare to the millions of people who were stirred up to hysteria by his fiery speeches over no more than a year. . In the modest room that was Mujib's house we found a pile of letters still unopened invitations to weddings, requests for this or that and page after page of, for us, undecipherable Bengali scribbling. All the letters had arrived at the house in midMarch but the Sheikh, who was arrested on March 26, had no time to open them. On his desk we found Sir Ivor Jennings, Constitutional Problems of Pakistan" dedicated to Mujib by his teacher, one Zuberi, Inside the cover we read: "Politics leads to power but knowledge is power, too. And Mujib has added a few sentences saying this was the book he read every time, he was thrown into prison. This time, however he did not have time to take the book with him.