পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৯২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

960 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ ৪০৩। পাক-ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যুদ্ধের হিন্দুস্থান ষ্টান্ডার্ড ১৩ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১ খবর HINDUSTAN STANDARD, DECEMBER 13, 1971 INDIAN TROOPS PARA DROPPED NEAR DACCA By Amitava Das Gopta Indian troops were paradropped in selected areas in the vicinity of Dacca at 4 p.m. on Saturday. Simultaneously, Indian ground forces were closing in on the capital from more than one direction. The advancing column from the bridge head established on the west bank of the Meghna on Friday liberated Narshinghdi on Sunday and maintained their march towards Dacca. On Sunday night the column was within 30 miles of the city. With this the war for the liberation of Bangladesh can be said to have reached its final stage. Operation Dacca is proceeding extremely well and according to plan. The paratroopers landed in strength were in contact with the enemy and have inflicted heavy casualties on the later. Fighting was going on as last reports came in, according to an Eastern Command spokesman. One Pak officer and 22 other ranks were killed and 12 were taken prisoners. A curfew, it is learnt, has meanwhile been clamped on Dacca by the Pakistani authorities. Reporting continued fighting and a Pakistani counter offensive in the area, the spokesman said, "We are satisfied with the progress to Dacca". On the Bhairabbazar-Dacca axis, Indian forces from Narsinghdi were racing forward for a link up with the Indian paratroopers and the columns moving down south from Mymenshing town, he said. Maj. Gen. Jacob, Chief of Staff, Eastern Command, told newsmen on Sunday the major part of Bangladesh all around Dacca had been liberated. This perhaps has given an additional advantage 10 the Indian troops. However in the matter of Operation Dacca they have to operate within the limits of difficulties posed by the terrain around Dacca. The maneuverability of the troops is extremely limited because of rivers and marshy land. But considering all this they are doing extremely well. To give additional support to the Indian troops engaged in operation Dacca the Mukti Bahini has already begun harassing tactics inside Dacca. They have already contacted the enemy at several points and given them a good fight. Right now operations Dacca is being developed on the basis of two major thrusts one from Maymensingh via Tangail and the other from the bridgehead across the Meghna south of Bhairabbazar. The thrust from the Bhairabbazar point towards the south is