পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৬২০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

592 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ জাতিসংঘ সাধারণ পরিষদের পাকিস্তানী চায়না, পাকিস্তান এন্ড ১৯ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১ শরণার্থী বিষয়ক কমিটিতে গণচীনের ংলাদেশ প্রতিনিধি ফু হাও-এর বক্তৃতা SPEECH OF CHINESE DELEGATE FU HAO IN THE THIRD COMMITTEE OF THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON PAKHSTANI REFUGEES IN INDIA, 19 NOVEMBER, 1971 The Chinese Government and people have always held that the internal affairs of any country should be settled by the people of the country themselves. The question that has arisen in East Pakistan is purely Pakistan's internal affairs which can only be settled by the Pakistan people themselves, and no country has the right to interfere in it under any pretex. The so-called question of refugees from East Pakistan came into being and developed to its present state due to a certain country's intervention in Pakistan's internal affairs, which has resulted in the present tension on the Subcontinent. Recently the Pakistan Government has repeatedly proposed relaxing the tension on the Subcontinent and settling the refugee question. But all these proposals have been rejected by the country concerned. It continues to exploit the question of refugees from East Pakistan to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan, to carry out subversive activities against her and obstruct the return of the East Pakistan refugees to their homeland, making it impossible to reach a reasonable settlement of the question of the East Pakistan refugees. These a tactics of interference in the internal affairs of other countries are well known to the Chinese Government and people. In our experience, a certain neighboring country plotted a rebellion in the Tibetan region of our country and carried out subversive activities. When the rebellion it plotted was smashed by the Chinese people, it coerced tens of thousands of Chinese inhabitants into going to its country, creating a question of so-called Tibetan refugees, in wild opposition to china. We hold that in order to attain a reasonable settlement of the question of refugees from East Pakistan, interference in" Pakistan's internal affairs must first of all be stopped. Only in this way can the East Pakistan refugees truly be assisted in returning to their homeland. The Chinese Government has always abide by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, and is firmly opposed to any country interfering in the internal affairs of others countries, under the pretext of a so-called 'refugee question' or anything else. As for disputes between states, we have always held that they should be settled through consultation between the countries concerned. We believe that the broad masses of the Pakistan people arc patriotic, are opposed to foreign interference, and they will certainly be able to solve their own problems.