পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৬৩৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

607 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড Soviet Union has stepped up its efforts in pouring a steady stream of arms and equipment into India to bolster and pep up the Indian aggressors. What makes people particularly indignant is that the representative of the Soviet Government in the U.N. Security Council has time and again used the veto to obstruct the cease-fire and troop withdrawal which are desired by the overwhelming majority to countries and the people all over the world. The Soviet Government has wantonly vilified China, alleging that it is China that has stirred up the conflict between India and Pakistan and "set Asians to fight Asians." Actually, it is the Soviet Government itself that has really and truly "set Asians to fight Asians, 1 The purpose of the Soviet Unions in so doing is known to all, that is, to further strengthen its control over India and thereby proceed to contend with the other superpower for hegemony in the whole of the South Asian subcontinent and the Indian Ocean and at the same time to foster India and turn it into a sub-superpower on the South Asian subcontinent as its assistant and partner in committing aggression against Asia. The present sudden invasion of Pakistan by India with the support of the Soviet Union is precisely a repetition on the South Asian subcontinent of the 1968 Soviet invasion, and occupation of Czechoslovakia. The acts of the Soviet Government have once again revealed its hideous features as socialimperialism and its expansionist ambition. We must for ever maintain high vigilance against imperialism and expansionism, and we would here advise our friendly countries on the South Asian subcontinent as well as all the countries in the world which are subjected to injury and threat by superpowers of sub-superpowers that they should by no means relax their vigilance but should continuously strengthen their defense capabilities and be ready at all times to hit back at the enemy who may seek every opportunity to attack them. The Chinese Government and people consistently oppose imperialism, expansionism, colonialism and neo-colonialism and firmly support the people of all countries in their just struggle in defense of their state sovereignty and territorial integrity and against foreign aggression, subversion, interference, control and bullying. The war between India and Pakistan is a struggle between aggression and anti-aggression, between division and anti-division, and between subversion and antisubversion. Under the leadership of President Yahya Khan, the people and armed forces of Pakistan have displayed an admirable spirit of heroism in this struggle. The Chinese Government and people firmly support the Pakistan Government and people in their struggle against aggression, division and subversion; we not only are doing this politically, but will continue to give them material assistance. The Chinese Government firmly maintains that the December 7, 1971 resolution of the U.N. General Assembly must be carried out immediately. We hold that there can be no neutrality on the question of aggression versus anti-aggression, of division versus anti-division, and of subversion versus anti-subversion. Certain big powers making no distinction between right and wrong and remaining inactive and silent, have all along condoned and allowed the aggressor to grow through appeasement. The result can only be a tread again on the wrong path of Munich and the former League of Nations. History has repeatedly proved that no aggressor comes to a good end. Relying on the support of Soviet revisionist social-imperialism, the Indian expansionists have now invaded and occupied large tracts of Pakistan territory and arc acting truculently in a wild