পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭৯৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

767 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড of Pakistan has asserted that 1,00,000 were killed, in this case by forces opposing the Government. Those who oppose the Sub-Commission's consideration of this situation may argue that human rights matters are matters of domestic jurisdiction and therefore outside the jurisdiction of the United Nations. The General Assembly, however, in Resolution 2144 (XXI) of 26 October 1966 called upon the economic and Social Council and the Commission on human rights "To give urgent consideration to ways and means of improving the capacity of the United Nations to put a stop to violations of human rights wherever they may occur", and the Sub-Commission at this very session has adopted procedures for reviewing communications on human rights in conjunction with its mandate to report situations which reveal a consistent pattern of violations of human rights. The United Nations has clearly established that situations which reveal a consistent pattern of violations of human rights are not exclusively within the domestic jurisdiction of a member state, but are also within the jurisdiction of the United Nations. We believe that the reports of violations of human rights in East Pakistan requires this Sub-Commission to exercise its authority regarding situations which appear to reveal a consistent pattern of violations of human rights. The Sub-Commission should set up a committee of inquiry to review the various reports of violations of human rights in East Pakistan or it should recommend to the Commission on human rights that it establish an investigatory- body Mr. Mohamed Khalifa, the distinguished member of the sub- commission from the United Arab Republic, delivered at this Session a very eloquent and moving statement which the sub-commission members might wish to bear in mind in considering this question. In commenting on this agenda item on the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms Mr. Khalifa stated that the discussion of this item "had reminded the members of the subcommission of their fundamental responsibilities, which were the prevention of discrimination and the protection of minorities. The safe guarding of individuals and the principle of human dignity were inseparable. Individuals could not be considered to be Government property. Yet they were defenseless in the face of authority and Sometimes their only recourse was to appeal to the conscience of mankind. Although the principle of noninterference in the domestic affairs of states limited the possibilities for intervention on behalf of petitioners the United Nations could at least listen to them and given them its moral support which, in the last analysis, might be the only way of educating world opinion and causing Governments to hesitate before adopting inhuman discriminatory policies based on religious prejudice or on nations of racial superiority." The International Commission of Jurists has already expressed its view on certain developments in East Pakistan. In our telegram of April 15th, the International Commission of Jurists stated that it "Deplores the reported intention to establish special military tribunals to try the Awami League leaders respectfully urge that proceedings before the normal civilian courts will alone satisfy international opinion that the rule of law is observed. The International Commission of Jurists has always disapproved of the establishments of special tribunals to try political opponents for alleged political offences. There is nothing easier than to give a semblance of legality to the assassination of political opponents by having them condemned by special tribunals which lack the