পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৮২৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

799 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড understanding, which alone would lessen tensions, and that they intensify efforts to establish a climate of confidence favoring the voluntary return of the refugees to their homes. Speaking again, the Ambassador said that he would prefer that no vote be taken on his recommendation, but rather a consensus result with ensuing unanimity. He was aware of the seriousness of the problem facing the U. N. Delegations must reach an agreement and introduce an element of harmony, and not confrontation. A solution could not be found by words. The only document existing was the SecretaryGeneral's appeal. The president of ECOSOC had found it difficult to convince both sides that it was in their best interests to have a document concentrating on the humanitarian aspects of the problem. Now it is up to the international community to assume its responsibility. To this end, he urged the three co-sponsors of the draft resolution to withdraw it so that all together can draft a recommendation in the humanitarian spirit and cooperation that all seak, 19. BURUNDI-Mr. A. Nyankiye: His country was sympathetic to the people suffering in India and in East Pakistan, for it too had experienced refugee situation. He expressed the hope that India and Pakistan could solve the situation peacefully. A political solution is possible between the two Governments, and they must make an effort for instilling mutual confidence. "Let us not seek the origin of this disaster but simply help the victims of it." 20. AUSTRIA-Mr. S. Ermacora : The problem cannot be solved in a humanitarian angle only but the tragedy had roots in highly political events. He expressed the hope that a political solution would be found adding that the purely human problems would also have to be solved. The debate should not be controversial, but he considered that Tunisian initiative represents an acceptable compromise. 21. LIBYA-Mr. I. Babaa: Only through the respect of the national unity and territorial integrity of Pakistan could the return of refugees become a reality. He would support the recommendations proposed by Tunisia. 22. NIGERIA-Mr. A. Mohammed : He viewed the refugee problem in an entirely and absolutely humanitarian way, and urged that political interventions should be omitted. Outlining the matters that must be taken into account were Pakistan was a sovereign State and that Pakistan had internal problems. Also that the refugee problem in India was the biggest and worst ever in the world. "We could not engage in any political discussion of the problem as it was to be dealt with by the Security Council under Chapter VI of the Charter. We recommend that all States should endeavor to contribute even more to held India, but in the problems between India and Pakistan we do not need any international action. The problem between the two countries were not caused by the refugees, but began with the partition of India. Even if the United Nations were able to solve the refugee problem, there would be other bones of contention between the two countries, such as religious ones, Hyderabad, Indus, Kashmir, Junagarh, etc. So long as we respect the sovereignty of any country, all internal problems within it are not the business of the United Nations". He proposed that (a) the Committee discuss the problem and leave no record, i.e., no summation;