পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৪৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

917 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড and it was found that Sheikh Mujibur's party had won 167 seats out of a total House of 300, what was the response of the Pakistani military rulers? They negotiated all over the place. Nothing was known of these negotiations until Mr. Bhutto produced his book, which is now known as The Great Tragedy.' I shall not weary the Council by reading this book, but it will so what machinations, what intrigues, had gone on in order to hold East Pakistan by force. We had repeatedly told United Nations Members, bilaterally and in various United Nations forums, that one cannot hold 75 million people by force of arms. Did anybody listen then? We are most grateful, that the concern of the Council has been shown over the recent events, but it still is a matter of great surprise and infinite regret to us that when so many men, women and children were butchered, raped, massacred, no action was taken. We cannot forget this background, if we are to consider the problem seriously. After the elections were held, Mujibur Rahman was then described as a future Prime Minister of Pakistan,. Today, he is rotting in goal. No one knows what has happened to him. 1 have not met any man, woman or child who can come here and say" I have seen Mujibur Rahman in person". After that, military repressions were unleashed in a manner and in a way which would shock the conscience of mankind, Villages were burnt, children killed, women raped. And those of you who have seen the films of these incidents can bear testimony to them. It is not good enough to say that Pakistan has gone through a great tragedy, and, therefore, we must all sympathize with it and forget these incidents. These incidents happened and, as a result, 10 million people came to India as refugees. Now, was that not a kind of aggression? If aggression to another foreign country means that is stains its social structure, that it ruins its finances, that it has to give up its territory for sheltering the refugees, if it means that all its school have to be closed, that its hospitals have to be closed, that its administration is to be denuded, what is the difference between that kind of aggression and the other type, the more classical type, when someone declares war, or something of that sort? But that is not enough. The Ambassador of Pakistan gives details that we went into Pakistan territory after 21st November. We did; I do not deny it. We did this because we had no option. The Pakistan army put its cannons on the frontier and started shelling our civilian villages. They have been accustomed to killing their own people. I do not believe that is their privilege. I think this is a barbaric act. But, after having killed their own people, they now turn their guns on us. Eight hundred and ninety complaints of border violations have been made to Pakistan since 25th March. What was the response to these? They rejected them all. They continued to shell our villages, kill our civilians. What is the remedy left to us? To kill their villagers with guns on our side, or to go and silence their guns? We decided to silence their guns, to save our civilians, Pakistan made a great rhetorical statement that it had not taken any military actions, that President Yahya Khan offered to withdraw, and so on and so forth. What are the