পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৪৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

920 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড This is the situation in which Pakistan finds itself. How to extricate itself? The only way to extricate itself is to involve India, and this has been done, as I said, first through refugee aggression, and now through military aggression. We have suffered at the hands of Pakistan four aggressions, and we are not going to take it any more. I wish to give a very serious warning to the Council that we shall not be a party to any solution that will mean continuation of oppression of East Pakistani people, whatever the pretext, whatever the ground on which this is brought about. So long as we have any light of civilized behavior left in us, we shall protect them. We shall not fight their battle. Nobody can fight other people's battles. There are great powers seated around this table that have found out to their own cost that people cannot fight other peoples, battles, that they have to fight them themselves. But whatever help we can give, whether in the form of aid to the refugees, in the form of medicines, or in any other form, we shall continue to give it. Secondly, we shall continue to save our own national security and sovereignty. If Pakistan, by bombing our villages, by raising a hue and cry of internal interference or crossing the frontier, believes that we shall just quietly and take all these killings, I think they should think again. We will not permit our national security, our safety or our way of life, to be jeopardized by any of these means. Let there be no doubt about that. I should also make it quite clear that this build-up of military attack has been accompanied by the most absurd statements. Pakistan now comes up and says, "Why do you not shake hands and be friends?" Yet, President Yahya Khan made a statement in Le Monde of Paris in which he described our Prime Minister in such offensive terms that, in spite of all my bad training, I cannot bring myself to say those words. This is the kind of people we are dealing with. They have neither a solid base, nor any civilized standards, nor any political wisdom at all. Pakistan is saying: "We offered to have observers. We offered withdrawal" and so forth. Why are the situations first created and then all these offers made? But about one thing that they could do, not a word is said. They could come to a political settlement with the elected leaders. That could be quite peaceful. But no, that is not to be done. All our friends tell us that great pressure has been brought to bear on President Yahya Khan to come to a political settlement. And, what is the result? Nil, absolutely nil. The great General does not listen to the other great generals, perhaps. So, there is no way open for Pakistan now except to heat up the military situation- which it has done, as I explained, first on the eastern front by bombing our villages, and on the western front by a wanton attack on our cities, by suddenly, on the second night, sending several planes. The Ambassador of Pakistan says, "We bombed only a few cities and villages near the frontier" But they came as far and as deep down as Agra-300 miles. Is that a picture of premeditated armed intervention on the part of India? Would the Prime Minister of India go to Calcutta to see the refugee camps, if she was thinking of launching an attack on Pakistan on that day? If the Security Council believes that, let it believe it, but I would warn again that nothing will stop us from protecting our own territory, integrity and sovereignty, and our national security and our human values. Without taking too much time, I wish to say that I hope I shall be able to reply to all the little details which the Pakistan Ambassador gave but today, I want to put this broad