পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৮১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

953 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড regret that he shows no human feeling in regard to those murdered by the secessionist elements. There were people here in the so-called Delegation of Bangladesh who set up slaughter houses in which thousands of people were massacred before 25th March when the army had to intervene and afterwards. And these people come here to represent Bangladesh. There is living proof of these atrocities, and if Members of the Security Council want to turn away from propaganda and what the columnists write, and want to find out for themselves, we shall provide them the means of doing so. The Representative of India talked the other day about films shown by his Delegation. We have these films but we have spared your feelings. But, you are welcome to come and see them if you so desire. I can understand his relish that Pakistan is dead and buried. Let me tell him, it lives and will survive, in spite of Indian aggression. Then, he quotes something from The New York Times. This is an article by the columnist Anthony Lewis. I have read many of his articles before. But, that is the opinion of one individual. Did he go to Pakistan to find out the other side of the picture? Did he take care to inform himself of the real facts before he printed his column in this newspaper which is read by half a million people in the United States? Did he compare notes with other correspondents of equally respectable papers like the Manchester Guardian who have given a different assessment? This is the kind of propaganda to which the Representative of India resorts to divert the attention of the Council from Indian aggression and occupation of our territory. If we begin quoting correspondents, where are we going to end? All right, if you want to quote correspondents, I shall quote James Reston who said in yesterday's New York Times: "For Prime Minister Gandhi to talk about the ‘wanton and unprovoked aggression of Pakistan, when her own Government's troops have been constantly inside East Pakistan and her colleagues have made no secret of their aid to the East Pakistani insurgents or their desire to see East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan, is really an affront to the intelligence of the world." And the Representative of India considers the intelligence of this distinguished and august gathering so low that he persists in his misrepresentations. I continue the quotation: "Mrs. Gandhi didn't even consider allowing U.N. observers to see what was going on along the India-Pakistani borders, which is interesting, since she is now defending the war as a moral crusade against the Pakistani aggressors." The Representative of India cannot resist referring to the Government of Pakistan as a military junta. Several Member States are ruled-and these are not my words, but his words-by military juntas, and he went on to say: "President Yahya Khan decided to wipe out the results of election by force." If President Yahya Khan did not wish to promote or restore democracy in Pakistan in the first place, why would he have held elections and why should they have been held in