পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দশম খণ্ড).pdf/৭৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র: দশম খণ্ড

 Immediately, Chagalnaya was engaged by artillery fire. Report collected later confirmed of considerable Pakistani casualties.

 In the carly hours of 7 October a patrol of 2 sections of the Pakistanis was ambushed in Belonia in day light. In the brief encounter the Pakistanis lost 2 soldiers and 3 Razakers.

 Further to the east in Sabroom area the Pakistanis had concentrated larger forces and brought forward some of their mortars. This threatened a number of refugee camps and hospital which fell within the range or the mortars.

 There were a number of raids and ambushes against the Pakistanis on October 6. Madunaghat on the Halda river, few miles away from Chittagong City had a electric sub-station. One of our raiding parties crossed 70 miles from main camp and destroyed 2 transfomers in a daring raid in the carly hours of the day. Sepoy Mannan fired the critical shells that destroyed the transformers but in the process of firing was hit by a bullet. He succumbed to his injury later.

 At 08-00 hours there was another action against the Pakistanis in Chagalnaya BOP. Our raiding party crept close to the enemy defence at night and lay in wait. A group of Pakistanis had started preparing their bunkers very carelessly. At that time the raiding party swung into action and killed 3 Pakistanis. We suffered one casualty.

At 6-00 p.m. that evening 2 guerillas crawled upto Dhaka-Chittagong Highway where 2 vehicles were parked and some soldiers were unloading ammunition. The guerillas threw hand-grenades and soon disappeared into the darkness of the night. One of the Pakistanis lay injured and the vehicles were badly damaged.

 On October 7 a bridge on Chagalnaya-Belonia road was demolished by the guerillas. This was done to isolate the Pakistanis in the Belonia bulge. The bridge was covered with small arms, LMG and MG fire by the Pakistanis from nearby positions. But the guerillas managed to complete their task under heavy firing.

 That day the guerillas attacked and destroyed a Tehsil office at Radhanagar and raided Pakistani defences at Mokamia. In the raid in Mokamia 2 Pakistanis were killed.

 An ambush was laid at Purba Debpur area at 8-30 a.m. On October 8. A Pakistani patrol moved into the ambush and immediately came under attack. 3 Pakistanis were killed and 1 was injured. The guerillas returned to base without suffering any lose.

 A raiding party lay in wait near Pakistani defences at Guthuma in the evening of 8 October. That was the usual time for the Pakistanis to fall-in for evening roll-call. As soon as the roll-can was over and the Pakistanis were about to disperse, the raiding party opened up with LMG and 2" mortar fire. 10 Pakistani soldiers were casualties. The guerillas disappeared in the darkness of the night and returned to base safely.

 At 7-30 in the evening of October 9 there was a raid on Pakistani defences near Guthuma BOP. One Pakistani soldier was injured and a militiaman was killed.