পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দশম খণ্ড).pdf/৮০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র: দশম খণ্ড

Regiment and 2 Rajput Battalion of the Indian Army were to establish firm bases in Belonia. From these firm bases our forces were to operate and occupy vital positions in order to cut off the Pakistanis in Belonia and Pourshuram arcas. The final date of operation was set for the night of 5/6 November. Till then, we decided to continue normal operations in the area in order not to arouse suspicion in the mind of the Pakistanis.

 On 3rd November a group of guerillas were trying to demolish a bridge on Ranirhat-Rangmati raod. Suddenly a Pakistani patrol composed of militiamen and Razakars reached the spot. One guerilla, Parimal Sikder was captured and taken to the Pakistani camp nearby. The rest of the guerillas immediately raided the camp and recovered Parimal. About 4 Pakistanis were killed in the raid. One guerrilla was injured.

 On November 5 our planned operation to cut off the Pakistanis in Belonia was launched at 20-30 hours. The operation has been described in greater detail elsewhere.

 In the morning of 6 November guerillas raided Andarmanik BOP with the help of 2"mortar and 73 mm rocket. 3 Pakistani casualtics were claimed in this raid.

 On 6 November the guerillas were engaged in a frontal encounter with a Pakistani patrol in Durgapur in Mirsharai Police Station. Fighting continued for 15 minutes. One Pakistani was killed and 2 others were injured. On our side Mozammel Huq was injured when he was hit by a bullet. The group managed to evacuate him to safety and render medical treatment secretly.

 On 7 November the Pakistanis attacked our position in Belonia with two platoons. The attack was repulsed by Habilder Ali Hossain and members of his section. They had taken defences on the high embankment of a big pond. The defence was well prepared and all areas in front and the flanks were covered by fire. The Pakistanis made successive counter attacks which were repulsed by the section.

 Another counter attack on our position in Belonia bulge made some headway when 3 of our soldiers including the platoon commander were lost in the encounter and rest of the troops started withdrawing to the rear. At that time EPR subeder Gani was rushed forward. Gani launched a bold attack on the Pakistanis. The position was retaken and the situation saved.

 On 8 November the guerillas ambushed a Pakistani patrol on Ramgrah- Karcrhat road. Occupying high ground on the roadside, the ambush party opened fire with LMG's and carbines and threw hand-grenades. 4 Pakistanis were killed and 2 others were injured in the brief encounter.

 On 12 November an ambush was laid by a platoon in Bishwanathala in Champaknagar area. At 10-00 in the morning, an enemy patrol of 2 sections was caught in the ambush. 7 Pakistanis were killed and one injured while rest of the troops ran away. One injured militiaman was captured. The prisoner died on way to our camp and was buried enroute.