পাতা:বিভূতি রচনাবলী (অষ্টম খণ্ড).djvu/২০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

.* সৰ্ব্বাজীবে সৰ্ব্বসংস্থে বৃহস্তে অস্মিন হংসো ভ্ৰাম্যতে ব্রহ্মচক্রে. —শ্বেতাশ্বতর উপনিষৎ R ন জায়তে ম্রিয়তে বা কদাচি স্নায়ং ভূত্বা ভবিতা বা ন ভূয়: । অজো নিত্য: শাশ্বতোহয়ং পুরাণে ন হন্ততে হস্যমানে শরীরে ॥ —ভগবদগীত \: But Mind, Life and Matter, the lower trilogy, are also indispensable to all cosmic beings not necessarily in the form or with the action and conditions which we know upon earth or in this material universe, but in some kind of action however luminous, however puissant, however subtle. For Mind is essentially that faculty of super-mind which measures and limits, which fixes a particular centre and views from that the cosmic movement. SRI AUROBINDO'S The Life Divine, Vol.I. 8 Beyond these subtle playsical planes of experience and the life-worlds there are also mental planes to which the soul seems to have an internatal access...but it is not likely to live cousciously there if there has not been a sufficient mental or soul development in this life... а ё (t We know that he creates images of these superior planes which are often mental translations of cettain elements in them and erects his images into a system, a form on actual worlds ; he builds up also desire-worlds of many kinds to which he attaches a strong sense of inner reality. Vol. III. p. 77. مقا We arrive then necessarily at this conclusion that human"birth is a term at which the soul must arrive in a long succession of rebirths and that it has had for its previous and preparatory terms in the succession the lower forms of life upon carth... 够 ག། “God is Love and object of Love. Divine Love is not a thing of God : it is God Himself. God needs us just as we need God. This universe is the mere visible tangible aspect of Love and of the need of love.” HENRI BERGSON