পাতা:সংবাদপত্রে সেকালের কথা প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৫২৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সম্পাদকীয় 8 సెసి Wen in a few weeks, chiefly while the Rajah lived in Regent's Park; a thing extraordinary considering his usually slow and scrupulously careful habits of composition. The letters were sometimes draughted by Mr. Arnot, and then copied by the Rajah's own hand at his leisure; and sometime”, for the sake of greater despatch, he wrote them at once under Mr. Arnot's instructions as to the language and expressions to be used.” In addition to this, I think I may safely appeal to the internal evidence of the productions themselves. At least, notwithstanding the mystery in which we involved them, his intimate friends, who knew his abilities best, have often hinted to me that there was something in the texture of these compositions that shewed either the warp or the woof to be European. That this was the general notion, is also confirmed to me by the remarks once made in a debate at the India House, on the probable authorship of his appeal to the Supreme Court of Calcutta against the new law for the press in Bengal, passed in 1823; or his memorial, on the same subject, to the King, I forget which. All mystery on the subject is now useless. On these occasions, also, I acted in the same manner, as his secretary. Others may, if they please, call it amamuensis. I do no injury to his fame in stating these things; on the contrary, I protect it : as the effect of concealment was, that many attributed his productions to more important persons. This I have been told by men of all parties, first by a particular friend of the deceased, and a great opponent of the East-India Company; afterwards a gentleman in the highest office but one, connected with India, told me that he believed his evidence or remarks on the affairs of India to be the joint production of the leading Indian reformers in this country. My assurance to the contrary I evidently saw to be unavailing, as I offered no explanation of the mode in which they were drawn up. I could equally explain the history of the writings of RAM DOSB, an imaginary personage, mentioned by Dr. Carpenter, and SHIVA PRUSAD SURMA, of which all the former and part of the latter passed through my hands. . . . . . ইহা ব্যতীত আনটি কিছু তথ্যপ্রমাণও দিয়াছিলেন । সেগুলি পড়িয়া ‘এশিয়াটিক জনপলে’র সম্পাদক লিথিয়াছিলেন – - We have perused the document referred to, entitled “Statement of the Services rendered to Rajah Rammohun Roy by Mr. Arnot,” which appears fully to confirm what is above stated.—Editor. সেক্রেটরী ও প্রভুর সম্পর্ক এত ঘনিষ্ঠ ষে অনেক সময়ে রচনায় প্রভুর হাত কতটুকু, সেক্রেটরীর হাত কতটুকু তাহা বলা কঠিন। সেজন্য আনটের দাবি মিথ্যা কি সত্য তাহা জোর করিয়া বলা সম্ভব নয়। তবে এই কথা হয়ত বলা যাইতে পারে, আনটের উক্তিকে একেবারে অসম্ভব বা অসত্য বলিয়া উড়াইয়া দিবার কারণ নাই । রামমোহন অধিক বয়সে ইংরেজী শিথিয়াছিলেন, তিনি যদি ইংরেজী রচনায় কোনও ইংরেজের পরামর্শ ও সহায়তা লইয়া থাকেন তাহা হইলে নিন্দ বা আশ্চর্য্যের বিষয় কিছুই নাই। তাহা ছাড়া এ কথাও বলা যাইতে পারে, ইংরেজী ভাল জানিলেও সেক্রেটরীর সাহায্য গ্রহণ করা তাহার পক্ষে অসঙ্গত হইত না । ভাষা ছাড়। অন্ত ব্যাপারেও সেক্রেটরীর সহায়তা প্রয়োজন হইতে পারে।