পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৩৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

びを研1 53ro, a. active, spirited: s fat, suot. [fat. bot, a fat, suet, tallow; -wig, greasy, 5g ot, a pride, self-complacency, self applause, the voice of merriment. 543, a last, ultimate, final; western, west. 53 isofo, s. the time of death. 55 of, s, a kind of intoxicating drug. 53rit, a. addicted to the smoking of 5&n. 区T1, “. to feed and attend cattle. [world. 5:T53s, movable and immovable: s. the 53 is, s. the tending or feeding of cattle. 5tfa, s. the grazing or feeding of cattle. 51st, s. a pasture, meadow. [customary. 5ft, a. moved, acted, done, instituted; 5fāztos, prosperous, successful in an unsfosoft, desirous of success. [dertaking. 5ffs, s. a history; conduct, disposition, 5so, a. active, mobile, movable. [usage. 53, s. a meat-offering, oblation of milk. 5% of it, s. a plate for the meat-offering. চর্যহাম,৪ theoblation ofa meat-offering. 551, s.reflection, consideration, deliberation, action, mention; an anointing. চচ্চাপিপীড়া, 8. a species of smallant. 544, 8, a chewing, a masticating. Boots, 547, a. masticable, that may be sfáz, a chewed, masticated. [chewed. চর্ব্বিতচর্ব্বণ, s, a tautology, a repetition. চভট, or চর্ভট্টি, s. the same as চর ভট্টী, 5¢, s. a skin, a hide, leather; a shield. 5rgţg, s. atanner, currier, shoe-maker. botsfool, s, a smaller species of bat. Bostol, s. a leathern shoe. [shield. 5*st, a bearingashield:s.one who bearsa চর্য্য, a practicable, incumbent, customary. 5sis, movable: e. perseverance in religiousausterities; custom, practice, habit. 5*, v. n. to go, to set off on a journey, to act, to pass on, to flow, to pass current. 55, 55*, s. motion, action, conduct. SzitzfēF, Ezisosfēr, s. thepower ofmotion. 5:in, s. motion, walk, a habit, conduct, a custom: a current, customary, habitual. চলনৰ্হি, a. passable, fit to pass. soft, s. a petticoat, a skirt. 55:1, v. a. to cause to move or act, to urge on, to drive: 8, motion, action, currency. - R [ 121 | চাচ 55:1587, steadfast and wavering, unfixed. Bostofo, s, reciprocal motion, currency. 5&ta, s.a.driving, despatching, impelling, urging on; an invoice, a pass, a permit. 5&ssol, s. much ado about anything, a of, s, a journey, a race, course. |fuss. sfors, moved, sent, gone, current, customsfērza I,a. movable, fit tobe moved. [ary. 5so, a movable, unsteady, fluid. 5*, s. a handful of water; undulation. 5*, v. n. to move, to flow, to flap over. 5z5R, s. spilling, flowingorflappingover. Sol, v. a. to spill, to agitate (as liquid). Sofo, s. the agitating of a fluid. [fluid. 5āsfägi, a movable, unstable, unsteady, Sofo, s. an action, course, conduct, cusSfori, a forty; -84, forty-fold. [tom. sfärt, a fortieth; offorty (cubits): s. defectinsight at about forty years of age. *5*Ts, s. the eye, a fountain; -coff, un grateful; -çossot, ingratitude. 5*IN1, 8, a pair of spectacles, an eyeglass. 58, v. a. to plough, to till, to cultivate. 58.4, 8, a drinking vessel, a kind of cup58.4, 8, a ploughing up of land, a tilling581, v. a. to cause toplough:s, the tilling or ploughing of land: a. ploughed. 5*T5fs, s. a ploughing about, a tilling. 581*, 3, a causing to plough, the ploughing of a field: a. ploughed. [ing. Saifa, s. a ploughing; wages for plough5ft, a. ploughed, tilled, prepared to sow. 5it, a ploughing; worming in. [fingers. Sitcoitol, s, an insect which infects the 5zzi, s. clay, soft mud, dirt, mire. 5, v. a. to ask, wish, look upon, look, see: s, a wish, desire, volition, will; tea. sto, s. a kick backwards, -stor, to kick. 5Tofo, s, a wish, a request, a look, a view. Stēzi, s. unhusked rice, uncooked rice. চাউলমুগর, s: name of a medicinal drug. 5135, 8, a desiring, a wishing, a seeing. 5f 331, s. a. wish, a requisition, a request. 5teåssief, s. mutual desire, emulation. 5f, s, a clod, a large turf or piece of earth; a chief, a leader, a protector. Šts, v. a. to scrape, to shave,to pare off.