পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২২৪

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নিসপ faş, a fixed, established, devoted to, up right, faithful, just. fRèl, s. firmness in religion, uprightness, confidence, affiance, certainty: a firm, upright; -STR, to be sure, or confident. fNFtT, s. spittle, phlegm, saliva, slaver. fèst, cruel, unfeeling, unmerciful, hardhearted, barbarous, inhuman, morose. নিষ্ঠুরতা, s. cruelty, unfeelingness, hardheartedness, barbarity, inhumanity. facion, s. a spitting, expectoration. fazass, a learned, of finished education. fisapias, a. unripe, raw, unconcocted. foifa, s. a finishing, a decision, a determination, a final settlement, an award. fosfazos,8.a judge, an umpire, one who decides: a settling, deciding,judging. fossi,fosis,a. leafless,without leaves. foots, a. accomplished, settled, decided, ordered, finished, concluded, awarded. fossWA, a. deciding, accomplishing: s. one who decides, or accomplishes. fRarorsz, s. the accomplishing of an undertaking, the deciding of a cause. fazotto, footw), a capable of being brought to a completion or conclusion. fosso, a brought to a completion. fostol, or fasoitoit, a. sinless, innocent. fostyń, s. a wringing out, a squeezing. faroitsy's, a. wrung, wrung out, squeezed নি *ịC#f5=,a.needless, unnecessary. Tout. fassà, a fruitless, abortive, useless, in effectual, unprofitable, worthless. fASFIE1,-EJ,s uselessness, fruitlessness. foof,s. natural state; rejection,abandonfāzīIF, a. benumbed, torpid, rigid.[ment. ffol, s. name of a tree.” [tion, rescue. f=TĘTH,s.salvation, deliverance, preservafogloss, a. saving, preserving: s. a saviour, a preserver, a deliverer. [liverer. নিস্তারকন্তী, 8. a saviour, a preserver, a defosso, s. act of saving or preserving. fRarís, a. salvable, deliverable. foots, a delivered, saved, rescued. [led. নিম্ভল, a.unequal, unlike, uneven, unrivalfoLosi,dull, obscure, blunt, flaccid, weak. frotrā, a, still, motionless, inanimate. [ 212 | নীয় নিসগৃহ, disinterestedness, contentedness. নিসপৃহী, a. contented, disinterested. food, destitute, poor, penniless, indigent. f{{n, s. a bellow, a sound, a loud noise. foe, a killed, smitten, slain. *fossifs,s, an extremity, excess: a very, much, excessive: ad, at the utmost. foots, on off, s, frost, cold: v. a. to see. fossa, s. a seeing, a viewing, beholding. firstät, or foot-it, s. an anvil. [lation. fazz,faz fè,s. a denial,mistrust,dissimuনিহত, a. denied, concealed, mistrusted. ots, a low, base, plebeian, vile, inferior. itsotsit, a descending, going downwards. its Stfo, s. a low tribe: a. of a low tribe. itbö,-o, s. lowness, baseness, inferioriitsofW, s. a low office or station. [ty. its stol, s. low or rustic language. itsCălzo, s. a low or mean person. itso, a. situated beneath, placed low. its, a low: s. the lower part of a thing, the base, the bottom, a skirt. Lturvy. zitbrövitz, ad. bottom uppermost, topsyitslöfg, s. low or mean conduct. itsioso, a. servile, low-minded. #to, a, below, low; -os, a cellar. it.S, ad. down, below, beneath. âtts;, ad. slowly, softly, with a low voice. its 5ffo, s. a low or mean expression. ity, s. a bird's nest. [ed. its, a taken, accepted, received, obtainitso, s. justice, right, morality, ethics. itsoqi, s. a moral sentence or discourse. otso, a. acquainted with the rules of morality, civilized. [moral philosophy. itfoss, s. an acquaintance with morals, info3s-1, s. a moral philosopher. FfffTTTA, s. morality, ethics. #iffs, a. skilled in ethics or morality. its of WJ1, s, ethics, morality, politics. stföß, a. opposed to justice or right. 5tforg1, s. one acquainted with ethics. itfossi, s, the science of ethics, a book treating of morals or politics. [tice. àsoforol, s, instruction in morals or jusitgifo, a, that which can be taken. ătăl, s, the taking of a thing.