পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৪

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অপ [ sojos, s. a different road. [other. sojo41, a previously betrothed to an*TRs, s. anothermanner; anothersect: ad. otherwise, in another way. ojoso, ad, otherwise, by other means. stristaa, a. absent in mind, averse. songtru, a. others; mutual. org,8. injustice, outrage, impropriety. of it, a. unjust, oppressive. Roscost-U, a reciprocal, mutual. ofas, a. agreeing with, connected with, possessed of, fraught with, inherent in. ofaş, a. sought, required. *Icosa, s. enquire, search, research. ots, a. desirable, fit to be searched. Rostofo, a. sought, required. *Icost, a. searching, inquisitive. অপ, উদক,জল, নীর, বারি, সলিল, s water so, prep, it usually gives the idea of taking from, or doing a thing badly. *5T»{<x£t, s. improper conduct, a meam ac tion, an unworthy action. ovszoos. s. an evil tendency, a wrong bias. অপকর্ষণ, s. an unfair seizing, a biasing. orizo, s. an indelible stain, a disgrace. sizzotz, s. a detriment, an injury. so, a.hindered, prevented, opposed. *(vioso, s. opposition, a bad action. অপকৃষ্ট, a. low, bad, inferior, debased. ozso, s. a retreat, flight, absconding. অপকরস, or অম্নরস, s. chyle. solosso, a gone, departed, deviated from. Rosso, s. a tragical or sudden death, অপঘাতমৃত্যু, 5, idem. [murder. olosso, s. loss, detriment, waste. [office. sostoft, s. the keeper of aninsurance offsö, a lost, dispersed, wasted. stoffsso, s.loss, detriment, waste, disper sion; respect, honour, reverence. SloftgfH1, s. an apparition, a phantom. SoftRAS, s.spectre, apparition, agoblin. Sofz.TR, s. censure, an accusation, a libel. stosztso, a. accused, censured. soszsät, a libelling, defaming, accusing. stoffa, a unholy, impure, unclean. S-ATT, s. prodigality, profusion.[derer. ozson, a prodigal, profuse:s, a squan 12 J অপি sofotsi, s. low or vulgar language. svrsta, s dishonor, disgrace, disrespect, an affront, an indignity, an insult. ofstät, a. dishonorable, disgraceful. *Too!, s. unnatural or untimely death. Rossoit, s. infamy, disgrace, dishonor. *Notos, a. another, other: ad, also. stortfol, s. a plant (Clitoreaternatea). Rotoiosto, s, guilt, sin, a fault, crime. storatozoo, a. aggravating crimes. storatoft, a criminal, guilty, sinful. soigtsref, a, unadvisable. অপরামৃষ্টা, a. undefiled: s. a virgin. ovtzoto, s. the afternoon. [wife. sofotel, s, a chaste woman, a lawful soforo, a unacceptable: non-accept*(visão, S. celibacy. [ance. offifts, a, unmeasured, immoderate. offssosz, a. impure, unclean, vague. sofãstí1, a irrefutable, unanswerable. stos.stfos, a. untried, unexamined. Roof, a.. ugly, distorted, queer, preternatural, singular, strange, surprising. offiti, a. irregular, immethodical. *(viatof, s, the denial of a thing, scandal, detraction, evasion, low discourse. SvizTrost, a. slandering, belying, denying. so, a not clear, unintelligible. of Hora, s. a withdrawing, a retreating. Roots, s, the epilepsy, falling sickness. Sofosoft, a. epileptic, having epilepsy. Roso, a. murdered, killed, ruined. of ozo, s. a purloining, a plundering. s5[�i:IzT, s. plunder, pillage,thievery, lar ceny, robbery, depredation. Rorstfäz, a plundered, pillaged. Sovio, a. stolen, gained by plunder. Rosso, s. denial, concealment. ofo, a. denied, concealed. sostoff, s, the sea, ocean. [cocted. Wolfo, s. indigestion: a.. unripe, unconRosso, s. the outer corner of the eye, a lame person: a deformed, ugly. NoiTWIN, S. in gram. the ablative case. Rossos, a. shoreless, boundless, impassa*I'vis'ssists, a. impracticable. [ble. &for, conj. also, and, likewise, moreover.