পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৪৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পীড় foot, s. a dressing, putting on of clothes. frivil, fortoi, s. a barrel, a pipe, a cask. foivisã], s. desire, thirst, drought. forosifov, a. athirst, thirsty. পিপাসী, পিপাসু, পিপাসান্বিত, d, thirsty. পিপীড়া, পিপীলি, পিপীলিকা, s. an aut. fo, or foozåt, a long-pepper. পিপুলপা31, s. an ornament for the ear. footo, s, the root of long-pepper. foil, v. a. to cause to drink; a corruption fvizITşi, c•ızITşî, s. an onion. [of fপ্রয়. foliol, s. a footman, a messenger. footosí, a beloved: s. a lover; a guava. forgsås, e. the name of a fruit tree." fostol, s. a cup, a tea cup, a water glass. footászts, s. a drunkard, a tippler. f*f*f*fargit, s. drunkenness, tippling. footwità, s, the name of a timber tree.” footh, s. thirst fossil, a thirsty. foifas, or fosfossi, s. Port. a saucer. fosfoss, oftso, s. love, affection, kindness. foići, s. unfledged bird, a young animal. foizi, foi=?, s. the spleen, the spleen disপিল্পিল, s: a crowd, a multitude. [ease. foi=[Hā,s.lampstand,candlestick. [heads. foots, s. fiends, demigods with horses' forg, s. a flea. fosforo, s, flesh, meat. forgot, s. saffron, a crow; sage Närada, cotton, a spy; a cruel, wicked, mean, low, base, contemptible, stupid, foolish. for gas, s. cruelty, wickedness, meanness, fos, v, a to grind, to bruise. [stupidity. fo, s. baked meats, bread, a cake. foil, s. a father'ssister's husband. [aunt. footh, s. a wife's or husband's paternal foot, s. a paternal aunt. [or daughter. I 231 ) পই forgo -eto, -zfoa, s. apaternal aunt'sson otol, a beloved: s. a husband, a Yo! otsy, s. a stool, a bench, a terrace. *{τά, v. a. to strike, to beat. [ing. otön, s. astriking, a beating, a hammersnð, s. the back, a page or side of a leaf, a stool, a bench, a pedestal, a terrace. ows, s. a lover who labours to appease an offended or angry mistress. পীড়, v. a. to cause pain, to bruise, to ex press the juice of the sugarcane, etc. - •ï¡as, a, hurtful, distressing, gore, vexa tious: e. a persecutor, an oppressor. vitya, s. act of giving pain, persecuting, tormenting, a bruising of seeds. পীড়নীয়, পীড়ি ব্য, a.seudible, susceptible of pain, deserving to be pained. zit 51, s. pain, asfliction, torture, distress. sitfyz, a pained, aftlicted, ili, sick. oitosa, a suffering pain or distress. ots, a yellow; drunk up; s. safflower, a topaz, yellow orpiment, turmeric. পীতচন্দন, পীতসার, e. yellow sanders. oft Ezrzi, s. turmeric. [bell-metal. osteo, s. yellow brass, queen's metal, ost stor, a clothed in yellow: e. a name of vitri, vitezitz, 8. a topaz. (Krishna. ota, afat, plump, sleek, smooth s. a pin. *a*, *, a disease of the nose. [a peg. *Cat?, a having large breasts or udder, পীবন, a. fat, plump, large, sleek, fleshy. zitzig, a. plump, fat, large, lusty. [ness. eitzgrei, -să, s. plumpness, largeness, fulপীযুষ, 8. nectar, water of immortality, otă, s. a young bird. [cow's first milk. oil, s, the spleen; a yellow. østs, v. a. to grind, rub, bruise. [fritters. *31, s. a fourth part, a quarter;akind of *I*T*, *.straw, rice straw. Imanhood. **, man, male, masculine;—ifs, virility, *Aas, ad, manlike, manly, maseuline. ****śt, s. a virago, a masculine woman. ofo, s. ingram, the masculine gender. ***bzit, a.going to men, loose, whorish. o azi'ot, s. a snake like earthworm. *5, v. a. to wipe, to rub off, to wipe off. os sa, s. a wiping, awipingorrubbing off. oss, v.a. to cause to wipe, or rub off. *ists, e. the causing to wipe or rub off. পূজ, s. purulent Laatter, pus. * so, a full of purulent matter. ot, s. a heap, a hoard, wealth, cash, a stock or capital in trade. [goods. *istonio, e. wealth, substance, capital, oštatal, a possessing wealth, rich. *iữáì, s, a bundle, a packet, aparcel. ostol, a round hand (in writing). •ìèt, e. the anus.