পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৬৩

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কউ cofol, v. a.to transfix, pierce, undermine, to stab, to card, to season food: a, a boil ofoto, s. a causing to pierce, the carding of cotton: a pierced, bored, carded. cosystoff, s, a promiscuous piercing or goto, a hollow, spungy, [stabbing. ফোপর দালাল, a. officious, extravagant. cárosswisstät, a. officiousness. [lungs. cători, a hollow, spongy, light: e. the Cětoisi, s. aseed-vessel, a follicle, vegetat ing kernel of a cocoanut or fan-palm. cätzil, v. n. to sob, heave, breathe short. citors, cét off, s, asobbing, a heaving. coszito, a. sobbing, heaving, or labouring to breathe, breathing short. cosa, s. a hissing, the hissing sound. ফোসফোস্, s, a repeated hissing or breath*(FFTF, ad. only, merely, simply. [ing. cofio, v. a. to pierce, to burst. [thing. con, e. the piercing or bursting of a cofol, s, a spot, a drop, a tally, stain. cosy,8.aspatula, a weeding-knife, an awl. cos;1, s. a tumour, a boil, imposthume. corofosé, a. in bot. spatulate, like a spacool, s, the lungs, the bladder. [tula. cērzsi, s. a pipe, ajet d’eau: a. hollow. Cossin, s. a swelling, a being enlarged. ফোলা,, a, to provoke to anger, to aggravate, to cause to swell: e. a blister. cofoto, s.the exciting of anger, the causCosol, s. a blister. [ing to swell. *cog, s. an army; -offs, a police-officer. orgatzot, a, belonging to the police; cri minal, opposed to stafat, civil. coso, s, perquisites, avails, gain, o, the twenty-third consonant; when it has a dot in the centre it is pronounced like was g. the string which fastens the treddles of a weaver's loom. zo, s. a book: ad, without, beside. aşa, s. a sister; -fu, a sister's daughter. zoo.coil, s. a sister's son, a nephew. zè, s. a wife, a son's wife; also, used in addressing any respectable female. zès, s, the first sale of a tradesman in the unorning, a handsel; porterage. 2 is [ 251 | o zoa, a guilty of incestuous connection with a son's wife (a term of low abuse). z Sarrist, s. incest with a son's wife. obese, s. a meal given the day after a new wife arrives at her husband's house, when she deals out rice to the guests. #851, s. a carrying, the bearing of a burden, aflowing, passing away. [region. ****, *, the groin, hips, pubic and iliao *****, *.in anatomy, the ischium. *A*s, *, a family, a race, a stock, a pedigree; abambu: the backbone; a flute. ***for, a. establishing or continuing a family: e. the founder of a family. ***Isfoss, s. a genealogical table. z^*Tā, a. produced in a race or family, born of a noble or kulin brahman. ***to, a, having a race or family. [ly. ***{{fo, a the increase of a race or famiz^*Its TSR, s. the manna of the bambu. **Too,ad, in the order of the family. zottafo, s. a pedigree, a genealogy, a table of lineage, a genealogical table. zoost, e. a flute, a pipe, a fife, a whistle; -org, -off, holding a flute: one who plays on the flute; epithet of Krishna. zxxfiy, or zw*II, a. lineal, relating to a #5, s. a shrub and its fruit.' [family. বঁধু, zoo, s. a relation, a friend, a crony. zag, v. a. to speak, talk, chatter, prate. zzo, s, a heron, apaddy-bird, a crane. zoo, s, a talking, prating, a useless talkazgal, s. a heifer, a young cow. Liug. zrzsfR, s. talkativeness, useless prating. zoo, s. a shrub much used in dyeing.” -azox, ad, with the pen, by the pen of. zgi, v.a. to speak, talk, prattle, perplex one to talk: a talkative, garrulous. zoots, s, the rod which lies across the warp in a weaver's loom. zossoston, s. vain hope, fruitless expectation; lit, a heron's expecting a meal by the fall of a bull's testicles. *GIR, s. the provoking a person tospeak. zasifay, a, talkative, garrulous, [rage. azstaff, s, a mutual prating, a talking its son, a talkative, garrulous, Prating.