পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৬৯

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বসা ofo, e. a teaching or causing to speak. otzf, s, conversation, discourse. afo, s.a.sacrifice, victim; a wrinkle; atax; -wis, -cosa, the offering of a sacrifice. ofo, a feeding on sacrificial food: e. a *śl, a.strong, vigorous, powerful. [crow. zoław, s. an ox, a bullock. [simmer. of, v. a. to wallop, to bubble, to boil, to zoosa, s. a simmering, bubbling, boiling. ***, e. the bark of a tree; fish-scale. zool, v. a. to make a liquid wallop in boiling: a heated, boiling, warm, tepid. ofo,8.aboiling, making aliquidbubble. of oss, a. pretty, beautiful, captivat*5s, s, the bit of a bridle, a rein. [ing: goto, s. a whiteant; an ant-hill. TĘ, s. a weight equal to two rattis. zozs, s. a cowherd, a milkman; a cook. zsge, a beloved, amiable, dear, desired. zł#fâ, a, pertaining torájá Ballál Sena. zsät, e. a climbing plant. [tion, control. zos,” “Rol,8. obedience, submission, subjeczoos, ad. under subjection or control. z*istoin, a. subject, obedient, under conofo, s, the name of a sage. [trol. zottors, s. a bringing into subjection. zotz s, zorzo, a, brought under control, controlled, subjected, subdued. z-ira oʻzi, -<^, s. subjection, subjugation. zooij, controllable, obedient, docile, tame. zo, v. a. to dwell, to sit, to settle (as any liquid,) to candy, to coagulate, to sink. *&#, a. sufficient, enough: ad no more. zoo, s. a dwelling, habitation, residence. gasato, or sawton, s. a dwelling house. zzife, g. a habitation, a dwelling, a residence, an abode;-#, to reside, to dwell. zoo, s. the dwelling in a place, a sitting or settling; clothing, dress, a garment. zzifon, a dwelling: s. an inhabitant. zons, e. the spring; the small-pox. zogoto, e. the spring season. [spring. oisototo, a vernal, belonging to the *Hoot, ost, e. the name of a bird.” zogtss, inoculation for the small-pox. zot, orange-colored; -ow, orange color. zool, v. a. to cause to sit down, or settle, 2 I. [ 257 ) বছি to compress, to set stones, to drive a nail, to coagulate, to beat down earth, to people a place: s. a sitting; fat. ofors, s, in anatomy, a follicle. **T*, *, causing to sit, precipitating, coagulating, settling of liquids: a seated, precipitated, coagulated, candied. *H, e. a class of eight demigods; tie of a yoke, wealth, substance, matter, a gem, a jewel, water; -caz, Krishna's father. বসুমতী, বসুধ, বসুন্ধরা, s, the earth. 3 & 4), a habitable, fit to live in. zool, s. a bale, a package, bundle, parcel. ****, s. making of goods into bales. af3, e. atown, avillage, ahabitatiôñ; the bladder, the abdomen, the pelvis. **ś, s. a thing, a substance, stuff, matter. ZTE E2, ad in reality, in fact, that is. zool, -ëa, s. substantiality. zoso Wil,s. physiology, doctrine of nature. zogo fossg, s. barter, exchange of articles. axssafossfas, s, the rule of barter. 33, s. a garment, cloth, clothing, an arti cle of dress; -oios, to dress. 43°ifägia, s, the putting on of clothes. *3faith, 8, foppery, pride of dress. zgstzitst, a. foppish, proud of dress. 33 fossos, s. a tent, a clothier's warehouse. বস্তুস্তর, ও, another thing, not the same. **, v.a. to carry a burden, to bear a load, to flow (as a stream), to blow (as the wind), to pass away (as time), to draw (a plough, etc.), to convey. zoo, s. a carrying of a burden, a flowing, ablowing (of wind), a passing away (of time), circulation or motion of blood. rofa, s. a carrying of burden; porterage. agito, a portable, light; flowing. zoos, s. a fleet, a fleet of boats; width. *::st, s. a kind of falcon (Falco calidus). zool, p. a, to impel, to row, to steer a ship. zoto, s. an impelling forward. afo, s a book, an account book. [side. zfề:, *f**, ad, without, viz. on the outafox, a. external, outer, outward. ofo, s. a raft, a float, a raft of anything. বহিনী, ভগিনী, বইন, s. a sister.