পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৭৯

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বিড়া foot, a conquering, triumphant, victorifāgīzil, a. gummy, viscous. [ous: 3. a victor. fgär, s, lightning, thunderbolt. [brid. fatsiis, fasilwas, a, base-born, bastard, hyfgifo, s. a different species or kind. fastiña, a. mongrel, hybrid, base-born, bastard, unnatural, hateful, hostile, unparalleled, unprecedented, dissimilar. fississtal, s. a desire to conquer, rivalry. বিজিগীষ, a.desirous of victory, emulating. fossie, a subdued, conquered, overcome; fātēzzj, a.conquerable. [fanned, wafted. fool, s. a conqueror, a victor. fo, a wise, learned, clever, skilful, intelligent, experienced. [skilfulness. fool, s, wisdom, experience, cleverness, for of 3,8.informations, a declared opinion, a representation of circumstances. foss, a known, understood, famous, nofā gāle51, s. one who knows. [torious. fā gāja, s. science, knowledge, learning. sososo, giving information, publishing, conveying knowledge: 8, an advertiser. foioso, s. a making known, a demonstrating, a publishing, advertisement. fR Grizoigi, s. a petition, an application. f#1-5 II, a. declarable, publishable. fàai*ifè &zJ, ßaivij, a. idem. [vertiser. featofol,8.he who makes known, an adfosso, a published, made known. fātēzi, a. knowable, comprehensible. fossos, s. a muttering: full (of maggots). বিট্‌ s. excrement, ordure, avarlet, a cata nite, a rogue, a cheat, a scoundrel. বিটল, বিটলিয়া, বিটুল, vile, vicious, unprincipled, hateful, villainous, abominable. faiosit, s. villainy, vice, hatefulness. füß, s.avarlet, villain;-&l, villainy, vice faiB afg, s. a fetid species of Mimosa. fooza, s. a kind of black rock-salt. favor, s, a plant used as a vermifuge. f... F*I, v. a. to afflict, to vex, to tantalize. fool, s. affliction, distress, atantalizing. footo, a capable of being afflicted. figfús, a. afflicted, distressed, tantalized. fool, s. circular roll of cloth or straw put on the head of a porter orcarrier ofbur 2 AI 2 [ 267 ) বিদ den, also, that put under a pot to keep it steady, a packet of betol, a cautery. f^yrst, s. atom-eat. fæ grín, s ashe-eat. stytoszal, cat-eyed, wall-eyed. [bling. stig og fagsyta, s. a muttering, muufi gă şi, v. n to mutter, to mumble. fr: fyzi, a, muttering, mumbling. stgof, strazi,a deformed, distorted, ugly. fos, or son, a knowing, wise, verolin, fox, e. a detail. Lacquainted with. fool, s. criticism, discussion, refutation, a dispute, a debate, a contention, controversy, wrangling, am argument. so, a. stretched, extended, expanded: 8. a stringed instrument. fogo, s a giving, distributing, the givingosalms, alms, a largess, a donation. Rzgát, a. giving alms, distributing. so, s. an inference, areasoning, discussion, deliberation, consideration, a con jecture, an apprehension, a doubt. forzzés, s. act of discussing or reasoning, fāzsg, or fāzē, s. a span. [an inferring. foss, s, the warp of cloth, an awning, a canopy, an expansion, a spreading out, a verse of 4 lines of 8 syllables each. *fastfä-of, s, under date. বিতুষ্ট, a, displeased, dissatisfied, averse. sofo, s. dissatisfaction, displeasure. fā sasi, s. satiety, disgust, indifference. fag, a. acquired, investigated, known, famous: e. wealth, property, substance. footo, a wealthy, possessing property. foal, or so, e. wisdom, knowledge. fāņos, a, lecherous, amorous, lustful; clever, learned, sagacious, shrewd, witty, intriguing; -oto, cleverly, shrewdly. fool, -o, s. shrewdness, learning, skill, Rosatos, s. an amorous man. [wisdom. fănes, e a elever or insinuating woman. so, v. n. to be torn, to be lacerated. songa, s. a splitting, a rending, tearing. fool, s. a harrow, a gardon-rake. বিদাড়া, a. contrary to custom, irregular. foots, a. aparting withgood wishes, leave of absence, leave to depart, dismissal; o, or -o, to dismiss, permit to depart.