পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩০১

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ভাবু stol, s. vapour, steam, gas;- Es, to reek. stointsreg, a. mouldy, fusty, musty. givisofo, s, a kind of boiled cake. ST. v. a. to be anxious, to ponder, contemplate, reflect om, consider, think. ETT, s. a state, condition, a circumstance, a predicament, entity, an innate property, a disposition, nature, a meaning, drift, a purpose, an intention, a scope, a reality, a probability, familiarity, female infidelity, the state of the mind, emotion, passion,amatory sentiment,an act,an action, birth, a movement, a gesture, wanton sport, pastime, the world. sizzo, s. external expression of amatory eizcsig, s. a plagiarist. [sentiments. ofol, s.thought, reflection, anxiety, care, cogitatiom, a contemplation, coneern, apprehension, uneasiness; -o, to think. ofoita, Esoforos, a fit to be thoughton. oizosito, a thing which has a real existence, ofwhich 7 kindsarereckoned, viz. things, qualities, actions, genus, species, specific character, and non-existence. Eizo[IG, 8. mere passion or emotion. otolzio, a. originating from a state. ofo, v.m. to faulter with fear, to stagger. sizza, s. a faultering through fear. etzgfo, a. destitute of a scope or object. ETA Tĩ, v. a. to confuse, to discompose: s. the sitting over or breathing in steam. Etazist,s.amazement,confusion,dismay. ofol, v. a. to convict, to prove a charge. *Toto, s. the convicting of a person. Esztos, s. another condition or state. oratof, s. a scope, an object, purport. *51&scos, ad. for a state or condition, for exoff of, almost future, likely. [istence. effo, a thoughtful, anxious, careful, apprehensive, solicitous, convicted. [sees. effo-n-fa,-west,foreseeing:showhoforeeffol, s. a prognosticator, a prophet. eifzatos, e. a prognostication, prophecy, stát, a. future, about to be. [prediction. *Too, a happy, excellent, right, being, disposed to be, tending to be: 3. happiness, excellence, advantage, welfare. 2 кг aso ভাষা ero, s.acomedian, actor, wag. (stance. escotwo, appearing of a scope or circumeigaTTIR, s. a kind of madness. [ing. ofou, a. probable, future, necessarily existefs, s. anger, passion, wrath, a sister's husband; name ofan animal. [a vixen. *1soil, e. wrathful or passionate woman, ETHZTIETÊ, s. relationship between husbands of two sisters, a brother-in-law. stow, or statál, s. consanguinity. offs, 8, a yoke for bearing burdens, aload, aburden, a weight, burden or weight of a charge or trust, responsibility; -ossi, to free from a burden or responsibility. oforoso, a loaded, responsible. [ther. SfHei, s. the referring ofan affair to anov, Igy, s. India proper; a great poem usually called the mahābhārata; an actor. ভারতবর্ষ, s. India proper or Hindustán. sigot, s. goddess of eloquence, speech, dramatic recitation or the art; quail." Es: Afg, s. name of a sage; a skylark. ETosztios, a loaded, burdened. [a porter. oisoso, Efosato, s. a bearer of burden, 5Tostão, s. an injuring by incantation. stgāsā, s.astaffused for carrying aload. E131,8. a stage or scaffold for building. Essoffs, a loaded, laid under a weight of obligation, responsible. [scaffold. státá145, s, the erecting of a stage or STF, a. heavy, weighty, important, big momentous, sedate, sad, serious: 8, one who carries a burden, a water-bearer. grge, s. a quail (Perdix chinensis). ভাষ্য, জায়, পতনী, মাগু, স্ত্রী, s. a wife. 513, s. a bear; fortune; the forehead. ofä, a good, excellent, respectful, honest, healthy, fair (as weather): ad, well; -3, to heal, to cure; to do good; =বাস্, to love, esteem, to like, to approve of. *low, or 515431, a good and evil. stats, e. welfare, goodness, honesty. *f*l*, A*, s. a bear (Ursus labiosus). Erzgrător, s. a species of bambu. ofog, s. a husband's elder brother. Efs, s. a word, a sentence, speech. essa, s. a speaking, talking of a subject.