পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩০৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মদ srst=[Ttst, TGĦIĦttst, ad according with a particular manner or method. *Totos, s. another manner, opinion, sect, or party, an alteration: a. altered. মতান্তরীকৃত, a, altered, changed, modified. *Tofocos, ad. otherwise, in another method. Nöszsőion, s. the receiving or professing of the sentiments of a particular sect. *Retzsät, a. professing the principles of a particular sect, sectarian. Noisso, s. that which is customary or not: a. approved and disapproved. STEt=fS, s, approbation ordisapprobation. Nf3, s. opinion, the mind, will, inclination, imagination; a pearl. [ranged. sföää, Sisofo, a. delirious, crazy, deSTf5ff-fās, a. intelligent, reflecting, judi*IfSsss, s. a mistake, an error. [cious. sts&sta, a wise, reflecting, judicious. SfS stR, a. injudicious, unintelligent. Nét, s. opinion, mind; a sect, a party. Sts, ad, according to, agreeably to. *Ig, a.inebriated, intoxicated, drunk, overcome with joy, eager. [enthusiasm. *Tool, -o, s.intoxication, folly, eagerness, Nésto oil, s. a variety of plantain.” siso, s. a bug, a flea, alouse. [meaning. **Issia, s. a scope, a desire, an opinion, a Not, having a scope or wish, desirous. =Ts=īgs, envious, grudging, covetous, niggardly: s. envy, malice; a musquito. N&#J, s. a fish; one of the puránas; the fish-formed Vishnu. [ther of Vyāsa. Nojosol, a.having fishy scent: s. the mo*Is HJssol, s. coarse sugar, sugarcandy. Mojszorg, s. an incarnation of Vishnu. slot, v. a. to churn, to agitate violently. Noto, s. a churning, agitating, stirring. SIsoro, a churned: s. buttermilk. Notos1, s. the name of a famous town. sin, wine, spirituous liquor, inebriety, intoxication, pride, arrogance, insanity, passion, desire, pleasure, enthusiasm. *W*, s. an opiate, a narcotic medicine, an inebrious prating, a confectioner. sTW«**, s. am elephant in rut. [tobacco. NR&, s. an intoxicating drug smoked as [ 296 | মধ্য

  • Two, s, one addicted to the use of madat. *IWR, s exhilarating; Indian Cupid; the NWaffāsa, s. a plant,” its root. [spring. FIFA’sosol, s. a provocative medicine; the female of the Indian cuckoo. [liquor. *Iwai, s. a species of parrot; spirituous Núñigi, staggering with liquor, reeling, SITHIST, s. alcohol, spirits. [drunk. *SWIFT, s. a circumference, centre, seat, station, a minister: s. the coral tree." মদিরা, s. wine, spirituous liquor. মদিরা গৃহ, মদ্য গৃহ, s. a tavern, an alehouse. stazrgaze, s. salt of Tartar. Istzi, pron. my, mine. NWJ, s. wine, spirituous liquors. *WJätät, s. a vintner, a tavern-keeper. STRJoi, s. a sot, a tippler, a drunkard. WWJ fo, a fond of liquors, addicted to NWJNs, s. yeast, barm, froth. [wine. NWJoitoil, s. a tavern, a dram-shop.

| Hos. s. honey, nectarious juice of flowers, wine, spirit made of grapes. [of lime. NEF, s. the humble bee, a lover; a sort Foss, s. a honeycomb, hive, testicles of Footfoto, s. a confectioner. [a goat. Hofol, or of, s, the honey bee. Soissos, a. sweet, honeyed, mellifluous. six stol, s. a climbing plant.” মধঘটিক, or যটি মধ, s. liquorice. STTZT, a. sweet, agreểable, melodious, mellifluous: s. sweetness, syrup, treacle. SIXs:sel, -o, s. suavity, sweetness. মধুরিক, s. the same as soft, aniseed. Noffs, s. sweetness, the taste of sweetHosfossil, s, the honey-stone. Dness. মধুসূদন, s. a name of Krishna. Ross, s. the midst, the middle orinside of a thing, a centre, the waist, an interval, a kind of metre; ten thousand billions. *[[JCW's, s, the waist; the middle part, the centre of a circle; India, Bengal. Ngāt, a, between, included, situated or standing between, inward, internal: s. a mediator, an arbitrator, an umpire. >{{Js, Nosfe, a. middling, intermediate, included, central,temperate. [equation. Notes, s. middle term in an algebraic