পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩১৯

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. . . . frfas, a. mixed, united, met with, coa lesced, compounded, found, obtained. fitfos o g. a set of chimes. fừzství, zrn, s. the measles. [with. foot, v. to mix together, to unite, mingle foot, v. a. to incorporate, to mix, mingle, to compound, to jumble together. fosso, s, the composition of a medicine, a mixture: a mixed, compounded. footfotatoto, s. a jumble, a mixture. fits, s, a proper name; mixture. [mixing. fotsia, s. in arith. addition; mixture, a forfeo, a. mixed, compounded. fosfossal, s. a mixed language, ajargon. fo, a sweet, pleasant, agreeable. [ness. fâtèv1, s. sweetness, suavity, agreeablefool, s. an agreeable or kind speaker. fr$arzy, fašBagasi, s. agreeable language. foetat, a. speaking agreeably: s. kind মিষ্টান্ন, s. sweetmeat, frumenty. [speaker. stzīst, fāzģīt, s. sugarcandy. [teeth. ftfä, s. a kind of powder to blacken the *sofia, s. a session in a court of justice. *foot, footo, a fine, not coarse, slender, isłą, s, a fish; the sign Pisces. [delicate. stagifo, s. the sign Pisces. *Ttzt, enamel; - sor, an enameller; -কারী, act of enamelling. [an arbitrator. sissio, Hag, acting as umpire: s. an umpire, startozizstą, a. diseriminable, decidable. its toil, s, one of the Hindu philosophical systems founded by Jaimini; a logical decision, a settling of differences, the reconciling of different opinions. stos.sosol, s, the author of the mimánsá system, viz. Jaimini; an umpire. itstonto, a worthy of a logical decision. ststrofo, a decided, adjudged, settled. sforo II, a. discriminable, decidable. *ātāsū, s. a time allotted or agreed upon. footát, a. of agreed or allotted time. *ists, s. a chief, a title of sayad tribe of stafisig, s: a hawk, a falcon. [Moslems. ift:(footfi, s. a hunter, a falconer. [birth. *istol, cool, a title of Mogals: chief by o, pron. I; used in a humiliating sense. *মুকদ্দম, a preamble, a law suit, an affair. 2 R 2 国引 - offwil, s. a meeting, a confronting. o, s. a crest, a crown, a diadem, tiara. ***, *, a liberator; a name of Vishnu. o, e. a looking glass, mirror. [a bud. o, v. n. to blossom, to bud, to open as মুকুল, s. a blossom, a bud. [rous. o, a produced from a bud, gemmipaমুকুলিত, a, set with bloggom buda. Ho, a free, liberated, acquitted, delivered, emancipated, rescued, open, loose. **Co-it, s. a name of the goddess Kalf. Woo, open-handed, liberal, munificent. মুক্তা, মুক্তাফল,, a pearl; -oto, -oto, or -*13, a necklace of pearls. Hosts, e. the pearl-oyster. *f, s, freedom, liberation, emancipation, salvation, an acquittal, a discharge, a deliverance, beatitude. ofo, a liberating, giving salvation. *fool, s, a saviour, a deliverer. of, s, a commencement, the mouth, face, aperture, opening: a foremost, first, initial, chief, principal, pre-eminênt; -5R, to veil, cover the face; -os, or -oits, to salivate, itch the mouth; -বাধ, or -NH, to bribe, to stop the mouth. মুখচোরা, a. sheepish, shame-faced, bashমুখচোরামী, s. sheepishness. [ful, shy. ofo, s. a shrinking, a being bashful. মুখজোবানী,মুজবনিী,s. a deposition, a verbal report: a. verbal: ad verbally. Hoy, or oto, a scurrilous, abusive. *মুখতার,s. an agent, an attorney, a substi*[°¡sigat(1, 8. apowerofattorney. [tute. oft, s. attorneyship, agency. মুখনল, ৪ a huká mouth-piece. Hotfoto, a, looking in theface, partial. মুখপাত, 5, the front, outer fold (of cloth). Hooto, s, the washing of the mouth. o, s. agag, a bribe, a gift for secrecy; a preface, an introduction to a writing. Toso, a, the giving of a bribe. [mouth. 'storiata, e. gaping, the opening of the মুখমণ্ডল, . the orb of the face, the face. Horizo, s. the bit of a bridle. org, a. impudent, insolent, scurrilous, foul-mouthed: s. a conch-shell, a crow.