পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩২৮

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যাগি sissists, or ofb), a fit to be requested. *Itssoffs, s. a requesting and praying. stföö, a. asked, requested, petitioned. *Tsota, a being the subject of a petition. *Isso, s. a priest, a sacrificing priest. *Iftizol, s. priesthood, office of a priest. *Issia, s. the performing of a sacrifice. *ITS), a. proper to be offered in sacrifice. *Isfazà, a. of a sacrifice, sacrificial. *IRs, a. past, gone, departed, escaped. *Tool, 8. torment, anguish, pain, agony. *Irotos, a. painful, causing torment or *TIERT7f51, s. a tormentor. [agony. *(Rosssss, a. old, spent, worn out, impaired, used, rejected, abandoned, faded. *Isol, s. a husband's brother's wife. [ing. *Isèross, s. intercourse, a going and com*TÉ, s, one who goes; also, vide ¥TI3I1. *[[3], s, a journey, a march, a going, the setting off on a journey, a travelling, a pilgrimage; theatrical representation. *Tújofo, s time of a march or journey. *IfüIAT&il, s. a person who acts a part on the stage, the performer of yátrá. *IIĠt, Tifāzē, a. marching,journeying, travelling: s. a traveller, a pilgrim. [just. statiffo, a real, genuine, true, righteous, ≤ïîøîioïJ, (Itaīrfsíz5o1, genuineness, reality, truth, righteousness, justice, propriety. #TT, a recollection, remembrance. [name. *[[WA, a. of the race of Yadu: s. Krishna's *Too, or SITW", ad, as, like as, such as: *Tofo, a wilful, self-willed, obstinate. *Ifa, s. a vehicle, a carriage, a pálki, a con**Inos, animal: s. an animal. Iveyance. *Isazotz, TRAIzzo, s. an animal or person by which a vehicle is drawn or carried. stazriot, a carrying or drawing a vehicle. *T*, v, a to cause to go or pass away, to pass or spend (time). [spending. *Toso, a, causing to go or pass away, *Twist, s. a causing to pass or go, the spending or passing (of time). *tvitz, Toij, a concealable, dormant, latent; requiring to be spent, passable, witsos, made to go, caused to pass away, spent, past; concealed, secret. [ 316 1 যুগ

  • [fo, s. half ripe barley; lae. *Isoflá, a nitrous. six offo, a nitric. *T**ifosg, s. nitric acid, aquafortis. Hizrgotaz, ad, while life continues, as

long as life, as long as one lives. *IIos, ad, while, whilst, until, as long as, as much as: a, all, entire, the whole. *IIA GT4s, ad, as much as, as long as. sizātā, Tszöta, a. all, entire, the whole. *T*E*C*f, ad throughout, everywhere. *Isofo, a, belonging to a foreigner. *ITS, s. a watch, the 4th part of the day or *IISITE, s, a daughter's husband, [night. *If so, a relating to the watches of the day or night; -eis, a watchman. stfit, s. a night; -wife, the moon. KITSU, s. the south quarter. *ātā, a friend; -ot, friendship;-oto, fond of friends; -afāt, attached to friends. firso, hon, pr. who, he who, the person who. *KF, or 3, v. a. to measure, to weigh, to take dimensions. [steelyard. **, 8. a pair of scales for weighing, a Hos, s. art, skill, habit, knack, dexterity. $5, a connected with, yoked, joined to, united with, being in contact with, fit, right, proper, proved, possessed of, endowed with, intent on, attached to. **T*g, s. a compound letter. *sū, s. a logical conclusion, advice, counsel, policy, a contrivance, propriety, fitness, usage, custom, reason, an inference, a specification, union, connection. *Isogi, s. a person who draws a conclusion or inference, a reasoner, [advice. sfäWRol, s, a counsellor, one who gives যুক্তিপূর্ব্বক, ad. by or through reason. যুক্তিবিরুদ্ধ, a. contrary to reason. [fit. sfäffo, a reasonable, proper, right, *If of so, a concluded by reason, logical. $51, s. an age of the world, a dispensation; the Hindus reckon four yugas, viz. the Satya, Tretá, Dwápara, and Kali; a yoke, a pair, a couple, measure of four cubits, a period of twelve years. [age. *Isikof, s, religion or duties peculiar to an *I*T*.*, ***is, ad, at once, at one time.