পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৩৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

রাশি gtsä, or stål, s. a class of brāhmans. gia, s. a flight of steps at the landingzität, s. a queen. [place of a river. AT&Tatfo, ad. in the night, by night. gtfo, s. night; -ofol, blind at night. stfossi, s. a bat, an imp, a goblin. [time. #If I, ##ì, s. a night, night; -#ĩẽĩ, night off isos, a. prowling by night: s. a bat, an imp, a goblin, ghost, a night-prowler. zstfäCossos, night, the setting in of night: a thief, a robber, a watchman, a guard, #Tojo, a. blind at night. #Tosol, s, the disease of night blindness. sfoto, s. a logical conclusion. ostol, s, the 16th mansion in the zodiac; the favourite mistress of Krishna. ostfol, s, the mistress of Krishna. ossil, s, the cooking of food, cookery. off: Tosof, s, a kitchen, a cookroom. osso, s. a sound, a noise, a shout, a yell. of Tol, s, the giant-sovereign of Lankä. Tfāfi, s a name of Rávana’s son Indrajit. osis, s. Ráma, a king of Ajodhyá and the hero of the Rāmāyana, an incarnation of Vishnu; pleasure, enjoyment. রামকুড়া, s. a cottage, a hut, a cabin. gtssot, s. chalk of a superior quality. রাম ঘুঘু, s. a beautiful species of dove.” #Tsoi, s. one of the names of Ráma. #Tssizof, s, a whirligig, a teetotum. of Issoissoi, s. the large beardless goat.” #To fit, s. a large species of basil.” #Toso, s. Rāma's bow, the rainbow. offs[g gl, grissol, s. a sort of plantain.” gtssoff, s, a variety of rice. gTssi, s. a woman, a beautiful woman. {INTs, s. a votary or follower of Rāma. {TNToo, s. a celebrated Hindu epic poem. ossos, s. a prince, a title of honour. রায়র্বাশ, s. a spear, a bambu spear. রায়বাশিয়া, s. a spearman, lancer. [en. ATTAIfTät,s. atermagamt, a virago, a vix£13,318T. s. prince of princes (a title). offs, s. a heap of corn, sand, or any loose article, a congeries, a heap, a quantity, a constellation, a sign of the zodiac. ifoisvil, a, arithmetical, algebraic. [ 324 ) রীতি grifosso, s. the zodiac. [is called. offstafs, s, the name by which any person #fforsts, g. a fraction of an unit. officestos, s. passage of the sun, moon, or planets through a sign of the zodiac. #Tostão, a made into heaps, heaped up, in heaps, accumulated, abundant. [ant. #Tostão, become heaps, heaped, abundরাষ্ট্র, s, a country, a kingdom, a realm, a province, a public plague, a display. £jjg*, s. insurrectiom, revolution. zTzi, s. play, sport, toying, gambol, dalliance; a festival in honour of Krishna. ostrixsoil, s. a festival in honour of the gambols of Krishna and the milkmaids. ost-in, a relating to the organ of tasting. £131, s. a road, a street, a path, a way. ETT Hl, s. the name of a species of Acacia; also, another plant; a sort of perfume. ATEI, s. a road, a path, a way;-&GT5, tra velling expenses; -foro, a traveller. gtassifist, s. highway robbery or murder. রাহাদারী, s. a travelling, a pass for goods. AT&, S. the ascending node or dragon's head; an Asura; -efty, an eclipse. AT&oso, a. seized by Ráhu, eclipsed (applied to sun and moon). [an eclipse. #f73 soi, s. immersion of a luminary at fig, empty, void, destitute, poor, purged by stool: s. a forest, emptiness, space. fã65=53, a, empty-handed. [wealth. fãaga, s. hereditary property, patrimony, রিকর্থী, a, possessing patrimony: s. anheir, făs, v. a. to be glad, to rejoice. [successor. föl, s, soapberry, its tree;" a sort of fish." রিপু, s. a foe, enemy, adversary. [band. footo, s, a body of enemies, a hostile făş, s. misfortune, loss, injury, privation, destruction, sin; the soapberry tree." fifs, s. a sword; misfortune, loss, injury. foss, s. a species of deer; -মুখ, the name oft|Fog, s. the backbone. [of a mountain. #tē, s. a custom, an usage, a fashion. ftfo, s. a local observance, a custom, a manner, usage, habit, rite, method, natural property or disposition. [toms. otso, a, acquainted with usages or cus