পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৯১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হরি। of-fatfy, s. a house or ground which is supposed to be destructive to its owner. off, s, loss, detriment, injury, hurt, destruction, a blow, murder, slaughter. goig, s. a crucible, a smelting furnace, a goldsmith's hearth. oforgotát, s. a climbing shrub.” [dered. offers, caused to be abandoned or surrenofa, otzetz, e. wanton dalliance, amour ous gestures, coquetry. হাবজী, or হাব জাগোলজা, ৪. trash, dregs. of 41, a. stupid, foolish, dumb. [hall. ** 141, s. air, wind; -ortal, a saloon, airy offs, s. a ruin, loss, misery, indigence. otatotal, a ruinous, profuse, wasteful. **Tarzà, a. in the care or custody of. offt, s. a stupid or dumb woman. হাবুগেলা, a. fearful, timid, foolish, idiotic, ots, s, the measles. [stupid. ofssorso, s. attendants, companions. z farzii, v. a. to low, to bellow. - *Tota, s. a lowing, a bellowing. ofol, stomsfy, s.the creeping or crawling of infants, a creeping on all fours, as little children do; -71, to creep or crawl. *otosíasog, s. a mortar and pestle. **fists, s. a bath; a kind of fine cloth. ots[sortal, stafssor,8. a bath, a bagnio. ots[sor, s. a cable, a thick rope; a heap. offs, s. a protector, a defender; affirmation;-W1, to affirm, to agree. [child. **Toto, a foetus, pregnancy, a being with *Tool, a pregnant; a pregnant woman. *otossi, or oscosol, ad, often, frequently. ata, intj. ah! alas! at:T:, alas! alas! otgos, s. the year, a twelvemonth. *otos, s. modesty, shame. [in a lawsuit. হার, p. a. to lose, to be overcome, to lose *Ig, s. a necklace, a wreath, a vessel to measure oil, a rate, common rate, a loss. oforo, a, taking unlawfully, taking by force or fraud: e. one who takes thus; a thief, a robber; a divisor. oforo, s. a losing, failing, suffering loss. *Tosi, v. a. to lose, to cause to lose: a, lost. *Totte, s, the losing of a thing: a, lost.

  • Toffo, s, the losing of a thing.

3 C 2 [ 379 | হাহা off fool, a causing to lose, losing: a, a person who loses or causes to lose. off, s, the losing of a game, defeat, dis comfiture: a handsome, captivating. offe, a lost: e. the green dove." [low. *Ifog, a stained with turmeric, dyed yelof work, s. a yellow gleet or gonorrhea. হারিমুগ, or sisoof, s, a species of pulse." *Ifás, e. the running of blood thro' the nose; the hemorrhoids, piles. [fraud. offt, a taking unlawfully or by force or *T*, s. affection, kindness, love. [fraud. otosí, a liable to be taken by force or off, s, a plough, the rudder or helm of a boat; a state or condition: a present. otozol, a light, mild, vain, empty, weak. ** forgia, s. a kid, a lamb. **Toto, a lost, weary, fatigued. [mals. **Tofo, a, right, lawful: o, killing of aniz tzitantorfýr, s. a sweeper, a privy-cleaner. *Toto, a. poison, venom, virus. otso, a. present, recent: s. arudder, helm. *::1foss, e. garden cresses.” *Tsoil,a, belonging to a plough: s. a tiller, a ploughman; -oso, a plough bullock. otfigfritos, g. a kind of harmless snake. *stāsti, s. a kind of sweetmeat. হালুই, or হালুইকর, s. a confectioner. STR, v. n. to laugh, to smile, simperofri, a laughing, laughter, smile. হাসকুটিয়া, a. laughing, lively, funny, jovi al: e. a laugher, a playful person. ofoil, v. a. to cause to laugh: a, white. off, s, laughter, smile, simper. [cloth. *gtfstan, s, a border, margin, the hem of *offo, s. custom on goods, port duties. offowog, s. board of customs. stfäät, a. subject to custom or duties. & Hal, e, a sickle, a seythe. assis, a laughing, laughter, smile. [face. ofossawa, a. smiling faced: a smiling *togwi, s, the sentiment of jocularity. oisso, s. a sea of laughter. zitzt Erfog, inti. ah! it is all over with me. zrzl, intjalas! alas! s-a class of demigods. stofoss, s, loud lamentation, wailing. *twf«st g*gfà, s. a moise of lamentation.