পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৯৫

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ক্ষণে catal, s, a person who exerts himself in a work without reflection. citzgifol, a using excessive or violent exertion without reflection. . [sheds.' cotorol, s. a species of sedge used to erect coso, a. muddy: s. clay, mud, slush, pla shiness, miriness; a wager. coso, s, the causing of a crowd. cosol, v. a. to cause a crowd.[of oblations. cosol, Coto, s. a sacrificial priest, a maker cofall, ad, there, in that place. cots, s, an oblation, a burnt-offering. হোমদুল্য, 4, a sacrificial article. costs1, s. the rising of a sign of the zodiac, an hour, a mark, a line: intj. huzza. cxtat, s. the scrotum, the testieles. cofoil, s. a tom-cat; a large boat: a slack. cætáì, e. the festival of zfà, which see. cos, s. acistern, a vat, a reservoir, a pond. হৌজখানা, 8. a factory containing vats. ow, s. a lake, a large and deep sheet of ఆు water, a cistern, a pond. *fist, e. a river, a flowing stream. ইস্ব, a short, dwarf, low in stature; -কৃ, to shorten, to abridge, to abstract. gaśāsor, e. the letter #, or the symbol f. ইস্বউকার, e.the letter §, or the symbol .. 3Iai, s. shortness, diminution, a wearing, of ozo, diminishing, shortening. [decline. 寄, s. shame, bashfulness, modesty. হ্ৰেষ, s: the neighing of a horse.

  • 5, is a compound of 25 and s, and the

last letter of the Bengāli alphabet. *Fel, s. a measure of time equal to about four minutes; a moment, a while, an instant; centre. *5q* 1, s. night, the night. **otos, s. an instant, a momentary time. *****t, a. perishing in a moment. *12=1, s. lightning, a flash, a momentary splendour or brilliance. *Fos:GT, a. perishing in a moment. os-Toi, s. an instant, a mere moment. «Fets, s. half a moment. wofo, a momentary, fleeting, transient. *31, a diseased with scars in the feet. *Coil, s, a disease in the soles of the feet. [ 383. ] স্বার

  • 55, a. wounded, hurt: e. a scar, a sore. o, s. blood, pus, matter. [a wound. ofros, a full of cuts and wounds. স্বতন্ত্রত, 5, one who breaks a vow. **1so, a. wounded, full of wounds. ofo, s. hurt, detriment, harm, damage,

loss, injury, evil. *Cosos. s. a bloody flux. [Hindus *53, e. the second or military tribe of *so, s. a person of the military tribe. **II. a. mad, foolish, raving, passionate: 8, night; passion, madness, folly. **isos, a. provoking: e. the moon. ***, *, a cough, a consumption. o, a patient, calm, enduring, benevolent, friendly, able, capable, adequate: s. propriety, capability, fitness. [rity. **I*1, s. power, capacity, ability, autho*NET*i;i, a. able, capable, powerful. *5STI, 8. forbearance, patience, pardon, forgiveness; the earth; a name of Durgā. *No, a forbearing patient,compassionate, long-suffering, forgiving, gracious. ক্ষমাবান, or ক্ষমী, a. dem. *FI, s. decay, waste, loss, destruction, decline, consumption; -o, to wear, to waste; -oil, to be wasted, to wear off. o, causing decay or loss, removing, destroying, causing to wear away. ozsos, s. the consumptive cough. *555, a. arising from waste or decay, aris ing from consumption. oth, s. an intercalary month. ocotos, s. an atrophy, a consumption. «Eņi, vēsts, a. decayed, tending to ruin. *†, v.a. to distil, leak, flow, trickle, ooze *Ezra, s. aleaking, oozing, trickling. [out. *:Tazio, s. a dripping stone. ****its, a having an oozing tendency. *gato, a fit or proper to ooze out or to *záta, a. idem. [leak. *5:1, v. a. to cause to leak, trickle or ooze ofo, a, leaked, oozed out. [out, to distil. ofs, a. desisted, forborne, led to stop. *ifs, forbearance,forgiveness, desisting. offs, s. alkali, potash, salt, ashes, soda. ossosoforo, a. alkaline, salt, brackish.