পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৪৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

আভা ofa of", a flowing on, flowing in, passing on, customary, usual. [generation. *IAT5], s. the male and female parts of **NTATS, s. voice, a sound, a report. *IIztú, s. cultivation, the settlement of a town or province. *Tz'if, a. arable, cultivated, settled. *Isztzs, ad, again. [from a child. *TzTā, a childish, belonging to a child, SITTFFTST, s. infancy, childhood. আবালবৃদ্ধ; ad. both young and old. আবলি বৃদ্ধবনিত, ad. wholly, including men, women and children. oùzīāj, ad from infancy. [cle. STIzT?i, S. a residence, a home, a tabernaRossziozo, a calling, bringing to a place. *Itztoo, s. an approach, an invitation. *Taifo, a. invited, brought near. [near. *Iai: ), a fit to be invited or brought *IIf f, s. an awl, a drill, augur, a piercer. *Infosz, s. an unfolding, a developing. *Isso,a unfolded, evolved, developed. otso, a, engaged in, devoted to, pos sessed by, engrossed. - *Ifátor, s. a kind of red powder. `1 8. ೩ Wen অৰুিঅ1, a. having a wen. আবুড়ী, আবুড়াথাবুড়া, a. rough, uneven. Wigo, a concealed, covered, skreened. আবৃত্ত, a. circulated, revolved, stirred. *To so, s. a returning, a repetition, a re volution, a spiral turn. *Tcz wo, a. making known his case: s. he who enters a suit in a court of law. *IIC&W, s. a representation. [tition. sitzt7=IfFfof, s. an affidavit, a plea, a pe*ICzsoč, represented, entered as a suit. &ICzWJ-Tin, a under the circumstance of being made known or represented. &ICzos, s. engagedness of mind, devoted*TCzoso, a. persuasive, engaging. [ness. oTCzosn, s. a workshop, a manufactory, an entrance, a halo round the sun. SIIC&Ios, s. cloud: a. Clownish, stupid, low, *Isfoor, a. yearly, annual. [awkward. *IREzra, s. an ornament, a jewel. *TE1, or 51 of, s. brilliancy, splendour, clearness, an appearance, a semblance. [ 34 আমি} STEIS, s. a prologue, preface, preamble. *ITETHA, 8, an addressing, conversation. Wife'sTej, s. nobility, greatness of birth. &Ife Stojīzīā, a noble, of high birth. *Ifools, s, the front of an object. *Tota, s. a cow-keeper, a herdsman. *Totát, s. a female cow-keeper. *TEJiffio, a, eminent in studying. WIN, 8. a mango; mucus, slime: a raw, unburnt, (as earthenware, bricks, &c.) **Toroi, s. common and peculiar, inferior and superior, plebeian and noble. §Its off, a. smelling like the funeral pile. *Totos, Tost, s. dried mangoes. আমড়া, আমাত, আমুতিক, the hog plum." *STTSTTT, a. come, arrived. **Towął, witHalist, s. importation, an income, import: a. imported. *SIINȚĂ Ez, s. a coming and going. *SIT SIWI, <JfsI3I71, a. overmuch, abundant. *TWI-storist, s. importation andex5Itxsa, s. winter rice. [portation. RNTN34, s. a calling, an invitation. *Tsūātā, a fit to be called or invited. slfssfä5, a called, invited. WIssosoi, s, a cold, running of the nose. *TszT5 s. a disease, an itchy swelling. *Issfoss, s. a diarrhoea, a dysentery. §II:T3s, s. a disease, sickness. six sist, a diseased, sick. *Iszoo, s, the bloody flux or dysentery. অTমর l, pron, we, us. *Issoi, s. a plant (Oxalis corniculata.) *SIN: i, s. a district, period of a ruler's government, reign; addictedness (to eating opium, Smoking, &c.) SITNzīst, s a tree (Phyllanthus emblica.) **III: Tri, s, the same with GIW (fi. RIST:i1, s. an offieer; also, vide I<;©t. আমলা সারগন্ধক, s. pure sulphur. *NINCâû, s, the name of a fish.” SITT-it, SI NEZT, s. dried mangoes. আমশুল, ৫. the colic, the griping. STN-soi, S. inspissated mango juice. SITFI<f##l, a plant (Curcuma reclinata.) SU STi. a. unburnt (bricks). [digestion. WINIgiti, a disease said to arise from in