পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৫০

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অগ্রি stologists, a. dreadful, horrible, fearful. *II*[x1,8. awe, fear, terror, dread, danger, sII*togrfoss, a fearful, timorous. [peril. ofotsos, a. alarmed, feared, dreaded. *5Toszú, a familiar: s. a friend, a lover. storato, s, familiarity, friendship, love. “Twiztria, s. a very fine kind of thread. আশপাশ, ad. on all sides, all round. *II*I*T. s. an aim, a scope, an object, ten dency, intention, hope, a receptacle. *Totafio, successful, prosperous, hope**T*[[xät, s. a gold mohur, or coin. [ful. SII*[1, s. hope, expectation, trust, desire, a side, a quarter or region; a staff. *T*[[FCs, ad. in hope, expectingly. SII*iffHz, siirtToiH, a. entertaining hope, full of expectation, desirous. [hope. *T*Tzo, a restrained or held fast by storszá, s. an obligation; a cobweb. *T*[[Eof, s. disappointment, defeat of *Isfors, a. eaten, satisfied. [hope. *1fossi, s. a blessing, benediction. *II*st,8. the fangs of a serpent: a.eighty. *TomáTW, s. a blessing, a benediction. *Tostãsit, a benedictory. [ আউশ, <5T3, ad. soon, speedily, quickly: vide stocrosoft, a touchy, passionate, fretful. *Togo,a. soon pleased, easily gratified. অস্তিতুষ্টি, s. speedy gratification. অস্তিত্বওঁ, a. quickly satisfied. stofo, s. speedy satisfaction. *Toggots, soon pleased, placable; Shiva. STISETT, s. swiftness, a vagary. *SII*TEIzsł, a. apparent, clear, public. *T*5sas, ad. suddenly, unexpectedly. *T*5x1, a. marvellous, astonishing, miraculous, strange, surprizing, supernatural, wonderful, admirable; -31A, -cato, astonishment, surprise, wonder. ssToets, s. a hermitage, monastery,a resi dence; -ভুষ্ট, excommunicated. ofessit, a. pertaining to a hermitage,be longing to a religious community. *T*H, ostel, s. an asylum, refuge, shelter, resource, a protection, a defence. ofessitz, osso, a. proper to take re fuge in, fit to be resorted to. [ 38 3 অসিা offets, a. secured, placed in safety, destfää, a embraced, hugged. [pendent. *TC#8, s. an embrace, a hug. আশ্বসিত, অশ্বিন্ত, অশ্বিাসিত,a, encouraged, comforted, animated. [animation. *I*T*s, S. encouragement, hope, comfort, §Isfor, s. a Hindu month containing part of September and part of October. STATW, s. a Hindu month containing part of June and part of July. STATW, s. 20th and 21st Hindu stellar mansions, the first is called পূর্ব্বাষাঢ়া, and the other §§ortaly. [come. <NTr, s. a bow: intj. ah! oh! v. a. to *T*E*, a. attached to, enamoured. stosofto, enamoured, attached with all *Trifo, s. love, attachment. [the heart. St HF, a. incessant: ad incessantly, con stantly: s. society, fellowship. *Trifă, s an approach,a meeting, a june. tion, an intimate union, gain, profit. ostro, s. a seat, a carpet, a stool, chair, act of sitting, a sitting cross-legged. spots, s. Sartorius or taylor's muscle. *Trio, a. seated, placed on a seat. ostriot, s. a small stool, a chair, altar. *IIHH, a. approached, near, approaching. §[[Hiszosos, s, the time of death. STHz.s. rum, spirits distilled from sugar. * 5I TAziz,s.goods, chattels, baggage,furniture, an apparatus. [rides a vehicle. *313's TIs, s. a horseman,a rider, one who *Thasost, s. horsemanship, ridership. **IIHFIF, S. heaven, sky, atmosphere. SITHIII-t, a. heawnly; azure, sky-blue. *Irissists", s. sky colour; a. sky-blue. *STA:s, s. an assembly, a convention. * SIIHF, s. an origin, an original: a. geSITHEÏCUfa, Ifēs (, s. licorice. [nuine. ofoil, altata ify, s. a staff, a mace,a club. *II*Iso, a. obtained, gained. **Toisa, a. easy: s. facility, benefit, ad*Ishiit, s. facility, ease. [vantage, gain. §Isostoi, s. a toad. RNI HIZIZIWTZT, s. a mace-bearer, a lictor. *IIHIzozows:st, s. office of a mace bearer. oritist, s. a client, a defendant, a convict.