পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৬৬

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এক Jozssors,con.hence, for this reason,wheregĒ- GCRJ-ffsttē,con. for this cause. [fore. ors, of $1,8. this method, custom, ozosos, ad. thus, such. Lor habit. ozssos, ad. this time, now. &#xss, or of, ad, thus, this way. *NTs, ad, just now, just this moment. ałco, for this, wherefore, insomuch. §cs, or a cool, s. an ulcer in the mouth or between the hoofs of cattle. josafot, 8. the name of a plant. go, a. one; also, article, a, an. goss;1, a, being of the same size. ozosso, a half, the half of one. 4:53, pron. the same, sole, identical, the ozoo, a twenty-one. [self-same. go go, ad. severally, each, one by one, ozo, a. one, single alone. [every one. gag:Eşi, s. a single cauri. [word. ozoast, a consistent, coherent: 8. one 45-of-sool, a monogynous; -Cotos, mo nandrous; -sfē, unilocular. gott,doing the samework, engaged in the same profession: 3. a competitor. @ZEZEtzitzi, a. coeval, simultaneous. goto, ad, at the same time, at once. ofo, a twenty, a corge. ozsosz, golff, a. one, one piece. goštězil, belonging to the same village. of so, a. single (as cord, hair, &c.) ofty, ad. in the same condition. q<$al, a. self-willed, obstinate, head strong, perverse. of g1, a unsocial, recluse, secluded. qwglièŽI1, unremitting, continual (fever). 4.55:1, a. one-eyed, having one eye. gossatsąot, a. the forty-first. একচাতবরি ৭২শৎ, একচল্লিশ, a. forty-one. ozos, a. solitary: 8. a rhinoceros. gossal, a. of one thatched roof: s.ashed, sązĘfsē, a.unanimous, attentive. [a hovel. gotsfößl, monopolized: s. a monopolist. একচেটিয়াব্যবসায়, s. a monopoly. একচেটিয়াব্যবসায়ী, ৪, a monopolist. gocsis, a having the same object offo, a. placed under equal obli gation: 8, a joint bondsman. [ 54 ) এক offat, a having a single garment on. 4:557, 8. a person, an individual. 4&sto, ad repeatedly, frequently, inces santly: s. a list, inventory. gol, a. one, an entire one. 44 BIR1,8. a singleline: a. extended: ad. in a right line; running in one stream. o, a. one, merely one, only one. একটু,একটুক, or একটুকি, a. a little, small, some, very small: s. a morsel. 4&B-stfä,8. a morsel, a small piece,a bit. 4&ffää1, a having a single branch: 6. (fig.) the male organ of generation. *CŞā, a uniform, of one make. 455, ad, together, in one body. 4&BIA, having a regular slant, slanting. Azoët, a.having the same object, rival: s: a rival, a competitor. 4&#, a having one string; subject to 4&S, a. one of the many. [one lord. 455:1, a.either, one of the two: ad, alike. of, a. on the same side. [paper.) ol, 8. Oneness, Sameness; a sheet (of (4455Toil, a, having only one floor or story: s. a single lock. [samum. asso, a very little, or as a grain of segotá, ad, as far as an arrow shot. [ther. 453, ad. in one place, collectedly, togeofori, ofiosi, a the thirty-first. ofois, gofio, a. thirty-one. go, 8. Oneness, Sameness, identity. gawK, s. an appellation of Ganesha. 44,71, ad. once, at once, at one time. 44ffo, a. apart, aside, on one side. az UT-I, s. a particular part ofanything, a province, the same country. একদেশ স্থ, একদেশ, একদেশীয়, a. belong ing to the same country or place. 45%:, s: the same religion, office, or rule of duty; also, a. vide q<*> ff. oft, a. professing the same religion, observing the same duties, analogous. 4:541, a. single, simple, one kind only. offs, a very little, as a grain of rice. 4&ngst, a running in the same channel, having a single barrel. [namesake. 4:571×1, a. having the same name: 8, a