বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড)/৫১

 শিরোনাম  সূত্র   তারিখ
ভারতীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী ত্রাণ তহবিলের যুক্তরাজ্য কমিটির আবেদন বাংলাদেশ ডকুমেণ্টস ৩০ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১

Appeal by the U.K. (Refugee) Committee for the Prime Minister of
India's National Relief Fund
November 30, 1971

 The following is a letter to the Editor published in The Guardian, London, November 30, 1971:

 Sir, The newspapers are now full of the war danger resulting from the nightmare situation in East Bengal, but we mustn't forget that the refugees nearly ten million of them—are still in India, or that the burden of keeping them fed and sheltered is still very largely being borne by the Indian Government.

 This would be a big enough humanitarian task even if India were one of the world's richest nations, but for a nation struggling to conquer mass poverty, it is really a stupendous effort. And the Indian people share the credit with their Government, because India is a free country whose rulers are chosen by, and responsive to the people. Without popular support Mrs. Gandhi would have been unable to admit the refugees in the first place, let alone keep them for so long and at, such vast expense on Indian soil.

 The British Committee of the Prime Minister of India's Relief Fund has been raising money here for direct transmission to Mrs. Gandhi. Under her auspices it is then used for the benefit of the refugees for buying medicines and medical equipment, clothing-both winter and summer-blankets and bedding, tents and lanterns, baby food, hand tools, shovels, etc.

 Cheques can be made out simply to INR and sent either to me or to the Fund Account No. 1561 146, Llyods Bank Ltd., 6 Pall Mall, London. SW I. I urge everyone to give as much as they can afford for this supremely deserving and urgent cause.

Yours very sincerely,


 The U.K. (Refugee) Committee for the Prime Minister of India's National Relief Fund.