বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (প্রথম খণ্ড)/৪

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
হিন্দু-মুসলিম সম্প্রীতি রক্ষার্থে ফজলুল হকের ভূমিকা পাকিস্তান প্রস্তাব ও ফজলুল হক - অমলেন্দু দে, পৃষ্ঠা- ২৪৯ ২০শে জুন, ১৯৪২

 Resolution adopted at the Hindu-Muslim Unity Conference held at Calcutta on 20 June, 1942:

 1. India and more particularly Bengal and Assam are facing to-day the gravest of perils. Foreign aggression threatens not only our security but also our hearths and homes, our hopes and aspirations, our social, economic and cultural stability, in a word everything that we hold dear and inviolable. In view of the daily deterioration of the international situation it has become imperative to harness all our available forces to fight despair and defeatism and prevent a breakdown of our social and economic structure. For such consolidation of our resources of men and money, of intellect, character and energy and to hold ourselves ready against all contingencies, the first condition is the establishment of better communal relations and the creation of an atmosphere of mutual goodwill and co-operation. The need for unity and solidarity of the people of Bengal has never been so pressing and immediate as to-day and it is only on the basis of such unity that we can hope to overcome the perils which threaten to engulf us.

 While conscious of the differences in political programme and outlook among the different sections of the people of the province, this conference of the Muslims and the Hindus of Bengal is, therefore, of opinion that the people must unite in the common task of safeguarding internal security and order storage and distribution of foodstuffs and other essentials, and the provision of medical and other relief irrespective of differences in caste, community, creed or political affiliations, and for the purpose carry on an intensive propaganda to stress the overwhelming identity of interests if the people in this crisis and also constitute peace brigades for dispatch to areas where there is any apprehension of communal trouble.

 2. This conference is of opinion that in order to create an atmosphere of communal harmony and co-operation, work must be carried on both on a long-term and a short-term policy and for the purpose a permanent Trust Fund must be created for publicity' through speeches and pamphlets, creation of a literature of communal harmony and dissemination among the masses of greater knowledge of the common achievement of the communities in the fields of cultural and spiritual activities.

 3. In order to carry on the work of creating an atmosphere of communal harmony and co-operation and the consolidation of the people in the tasks of safeguarding internal security, storage and distribution of foodstuffs and other essentials and the provision of medical and other relief, resolved that a permanent non-party and unpolitical organisation be set up and for the purpose the council of the Hindu-Muslim Unity Association be formed with direction to frame the constitution and work out a plan and programme of action for the organisation.