This is the data which fills {{PotM}} and the PotM part of {{Collaboration}}.

Add works to the table that is returned by this module.

This data is intended for use by Module:PotM, but in theory other modules can use it too.

Adding months সম্পাদনা

You can add months like this:

		year = 2021,
		month = 4,
		theme = "Poetry and Drama",
		works = {

As long as month and year are in the future, it won't be shown until that month arrives. This allows you to pre-load months and works for auto-changeover at the end of a month.

Optional month parameters:

  • overflow: set to true if this is an "overflow" month to show the list of small works. Otherwise the module will set the "extra" ("The current Proofread of the Month has been completed early") state when the second work in a month is reached.
  • current: the current work within a month. If not given, the first work in the month will be used. This is so additional works can be pre-loaded into a month and enabled later by just adding or changing current.

Adding works সম্পাদনা

You can add works with the following template:

				index = "Index link.djvu",
				display = "Display name",
				author = "Firstname Lastname",
				year = XXXX,

Optional work parameters:

  • image a filename to use for the image. If not given, the "proofreading star" is used
  • imagesize the size of the image, if there is one. If not given, 75px.

There is no author override field. The author author field is normally unlinked and a link to the author page will be constructed as usual. If the author field contains wikilinks, it will be presented as-is.

return {
Add most recent (or most futuristic) month at the top, in descending order from there:
		year = 2021,
		month = 4,
		theme = "Poetry and Drama",
		works = {
Add works to months in normal order in the "works" field:

				index = "",
				display = "",
				author = "",
				year = ,
				image = ""
To test, use the "Preview page with this template" button and check the page

    -- Add new months on the line below this:
		year = 2024,
		month = 6,
		theme = "মহাকাব্য",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "সটীক মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য - মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত (১৯১৯).pdf",
				display = "মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য",
				author = "মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত",
				year = 1919,
		year = 2024,
		month = 5,
		theme = "আত্মজীবনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "নিগ্রোজাতির কর্ম্মবীর - বিনয়কুমার সরকার (১৯১৪).pdf",
				display = "নিগ্রোজাতির কর্ম্মবীর",
				author = "বিনয়কুমার সরকার",
				year = 1914,
		year = 2024,
		month = 5,
		theme = "প্রবন্ধ",
		works = {
				index = "বিবিধ কথা.djvu",
				display = "বিবিধ কথা",
				author = "মোহিতলাল মজুমদার",
				year = 1941,
		year = 2024,
		month = 5,
		theme = "গল্প",
		works = {
				index = "দুনিয়ার দেনা - হেমলতা দেবী.pdf",
				display = "দুনিয়ার দেনা",
				author = "হেমলতা দেবী",
				year = 1920,
		year = 2024,
		month = 3,
		theme = "প্রবন্ধ",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "সাহিত্য-চিন্তা - কুমুদিনী বসু.pdf",
				display = "সাহিত্য-চিন্তা",
				author = "কুমুদিনী বসু",
				year = 1915,
		year = 2024,
		month = 1,
		theme = "সমালোচনা",
		works = {
				index = "যাঁদের দেখেছি - হেমেন্দ্রকুমার রায়.pdf",
				display = "যাঁদের দেখেছি",
				author = "প্রসাদদাস রায়",
				year = 1951,
		year = 2023,
		month = 11,
		theme = "শ্লেষাত্মক প্রবন্ধ",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "লোকরহস্য-বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়.djvu",
				display = "লোকরহস্য",
				author = "বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1939,
		year = 2023,
		month = 8,
		theme = "অনুবাদ",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "চন্দ্রলোকে যাত্রা - রাজেন্দ্রলাল আচার্য.pdf",
				display = "চন্দ্রলোকে যাত্রা",
				author = "রাজেন্দ্রলাল আচার্য",
				year = 1923,
		year = 2023,
		month = 5,
		theme = "কাব্য",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "তীর্থ-সলিল - সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত (১৯০৮).pdf",
				display = "তীর্থ-সলিল",
				author = "সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত",
				year = 1908,
		year = 2023,
		month = 5,
		theme = "কাব্য",
		works = {
				index = "রূপসী বাংলা - জীবনানন্দ দাশ.pdf",
				display = "রূপসী বাংলা",
				author = "জীবনানন্দ দাশ",
				year = 1957,
		year = 2023,
		month = 5,
		theme = "উপন্যাস",
		works = {
				index = "কপালকুণ্ডলা (দ্বিতীয় সংস্করণ).pdf",
				display = "কপালকুণ্ডলা",
				author = "বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1870,
		year = 2023,
		month = 1,
		theme = "জীবনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "মোগল-বিদুষী.djvu",
				display = "মোগল-বিদুষী",
				author = "ব্রজেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1924,
		year = 2022,
		month = 12,
		theme = "উপন্যাস",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "মা - ম্যাক্সিম গোর্কি - বিমল সেন.pdf",
				display = "মা",
				author = "ম্যাক্সিম গোর্কি",
				year = 1950,
		year = 2022,
		month = 10,
		theme = "আত্মজীবনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "আমার বাল্যকথা - সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf",
				display = "আমার বাল্যকথা",
				author = "সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর",
				year = 1960,
		year = 2022,
		month = 9,
		theme = "উপন্যাস",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "জননী - মানিক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়.pdf",
				display = "জননী",
				author = "মানিক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1945,
		year = 2022,
		month = 9,
		theme = "গল্প",
		works = {
				index = "জন্ম ও মৃত্যু - বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়.pdf",
				display = "জন্ম ও মৃত্যু",
				author = "বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1955,
		year = 2022,
		month = 8,
		theme = "প্রবন্ধ",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "বিচিন্তা - রাজশেখর বসু.pdf",
				display = "বিচিন্তা",
				author = "রাজশেখর বসু",
				year = 1956,
		year = 2022,
		month = 7,
		theme = "আত্মজীবনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "শিক্ষিতা পতিতার আত্মচরিত - মানদা দেবী.pdf",
				display = "শিক্ষিতা পতিতার আত্মচরিত",
				author = "মানদা দেবী",
				year = 1929,
		year = 2022,
		month = 4,
		theme = "সামাজিক উপন্যাস",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "দেনা পাওনা - শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়.pdf",
				display = "দেনা পাওনা",
				author = "শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1958,
		year = 2022,
		month = 3,
		theme = "ভ্রমণকাহিনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "আজকের আমেরিকা.djvu",
				display = "আজকের আমেরিকা",
				author = "রামনাথ বিশ্বাস",
				year = 1945,
		year = 2022,
		month = 1,
		theme = "উপন্যাস",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "আনন্দমঠ (দ্বিতীয় সংস্করণ, ১৮৮৩).djvu",
				display = "আনন্দমঠ",
				author = "বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1883,
		year = 2021,
		month = 11,
		theme = "জীবনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "মহারাজ কৃষ্ণচন্দ্র রায়স্য চরিত্রং - রাজীবলোচন মুখোপাধ্যায়.pdf",
				display = "মহারাজ কৃষ্ণচন্দ্র রায়স্য চরিত্রং",
				author = "রাজীবলোচন মুখোপাধ্যায়",
				year = 1811,
		year = 2021,
		month = 10,
		theme = "ভ্রমণকাহিনী",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "নেপালে বঙ্গনারী - হেমলতা দেবী.pdf",
				display = "নেপালে বঙ্গনারী",
				author = "হেমলতা দেবী",
				year = 1911,
		year = 2018,
		month = 5,
		theme = "কাব্য",
		current = 1,
		works = {
				index = "গীতাঞ্জলি - রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.djvu",
				display = "গীতাঞ্জলি",
				author = "রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর",
				year = 1913,