XI own whims and fancies, ald the real interests of literature suffer. I have no ambition for such command; I am willing to serve as a humble lieutenant. I do not pretend to be a Sanscrit scholar, and have not therefore sought to Inultiply new-fangled Sanserit words. I have adopted such Sanscrit terms and phrases as were easily accessible, and in their absence I have followed the transliteration method. To the teachers in the class I must leave the task of interpreting the transliterated words. I shall consider myself amply repaid, if this translation prove useful to the students of the Bengali department of the Medical College, and to the Bengali class practitioners, for whom it is chiefly intended. In conclusion, I beg to ofter my best thanks to Babu Krishna Hari Bhattacharya an ex-student of the Calcutta Sanscrit College, for rendering me material assistance in the preparation of this book. LAL MADHUB Mool, RI.JEE. JoRASAN Ko. \ The 1st December, 1874. )
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।