
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

of 7, Waterloo Street. The idea is to start a home called 'Annapurna Asram,' where poor men . and women will find shelter and work, food and medical aid, and the income of this monthly Journal will be given to support the Asram. The journal aims at diffusing knowledge of Art, Dharma, Music, Physical Exercise, Cultivation, Medicine, Merits of Plants and Trees, Yoga and Yotish Shastras, lives of living Noblemen and their Portraits in true colours, diseases and their treatment. The first number under the editorship of Babu Sasi Bhusan Mookerjee gives promise of useful (eel The New India. MVealnesday, Argoth Vully, r9 ró. Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee & Co., Calcutta, send us a copy of Authbandhu. The journal is started to help the founding of a home called Minnapurua A :*kram, where poor men and women will find shelter and work, food and medical aid. The income of the journal will be given to support the Ashram. Atmong the contents of the journal are papers on the merits of the Tulshi, Bael and Neene trees, and the publication of the merits and of various medicinal plants known at the present day is promised. Papers are also included on various maladies of the present day; l’hysical Exercise to help the children to get healthy and thus avoid diseases; Shilpa or Artistic Work to encourage people to work for their living in art-crafts and to revive old industries. A paper on the listory of Music is the precursor of lessons on higher music. Eastern Bengal and Assam Era, 9th August, 1916. A New Journai, by an oversight which we regret the name of the paper recently started by Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee & Co., was omitted. It is called “Anathbandhu' and is an illustrated monthly organ printed in the vernacular. It is full of inseful information, dealing with Religion, the Arts, Agriculture, History, Astronomy, Science, Music, Medicine. Physical Exercise, etc., etc. This organ is devoted to supporting the "Anna mphopnummp. purna Asram ” established with a view to open a field for training orphans and the destitute in the sciences in which the paper deals. We trust this Journal has a long and useful career before it. The very name "Anathbandhu,' friend of the orphan should enlist the sympathies of all good citizens. We predict this paper will be a great success and the benevolent intentions of Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee, will be appreciated and recognised by a charitably disposed public. The Beharee. Sunday, 22nd October, roió. Anathbandhu-A monthly magazine started in aid of the Annapurna Ashrama established by Sriyukta Kali Prasanna Mukh --| padhya, founder of the firm of Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee & Co. the well known stationers and fine printing contractors of Calcutta. EditorBabu Shashi-HBhushan Mukhopalhva. Published at 7, Waterloo Street, Calcutta. Annual subscription lts. 10. We heartily welcome this Hengalee magazine. It is not an ordinary literary review. It is started with a sacred object. It has gained the patronage of Princes and noblemen throughout India. It contains all sorts and varieties of articles. Its special feature is to publish good articles on Hinduism. Articles on Buddhism, Jainism and other religions are also published. Articles on trade, agriculture and technical arts are also published. The coloured print, pictures, portraits and designs are most beautiful. In the third number a very good article has appeared in Hindi and we commend the idea of the publisher and hope the lindi reading publie will appreciate it. We have read some of the articles and they are really very much interesting and useful. In the first number a fine portrait of the Maharaja of Durbhanga accompanied with a sketch of his life is given. The association of the Maharaja Bahadur of Turbhanga with the inception of this magazine is indeed worthy of his magnanimity and love learning that pervades uniformly within and outside his province.