পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/১৯০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

नगानिद्र पूकत्र हेष्ठात्रौ श्रश्वान । -* to tear him in pieces. Now ladies and gentlemen, I have finished. God save Ireland.” এই পত্র পাইয়া ঠাঙ্কার কাছে আমার বহি এক সেট উপহার পাঠাই। তখনও "রৈবতক’ প্রকাশিত হয় নাই । তিনি এই উপহার পাইরা যে পত্রখানি লেখেন তাং নিম্নে উদ্ভূত হইল । I must apologise for leaving your last letter so long unanswered, and for not thanking you sooner for your handsome present of your own works; but the fact is, I was waiting till the “Battle of Passey” should be copied, that I might send it to you. It has been copied, but as a number of corrections are required I will not send it just now. Mr. Skrine, our Magistrate, is looking through it now and will assist me in revising it. He says, "It is well worth publishing.” It speaks well of the original when this can be said of the translation. I wish to translate some other pleces of yours, as English readers would like to see several subjects treated. Perhaps the piece on the Prince of Wales. I give you outside a hurried translation I made of one of your pieces the other day. If there is any particular piece, you would like translated, you might let me know. অrর্ব্যদর্শন From the Bengali of Nabin Chandra Sen. O cruel soul which thus hast deeply sinned In trailing through the dirt a glorious name, Since we the sons of this degenerate Ind