পাতা:কবিতা-বল্লরী - গিরীন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত.pdf/৯৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কবিতা-বল্লরী। ۹ Ruins of palmyr. By A LEx. DUMAs. (Translated & enlarged from French) The people are passed from the earth we are living By the breath of time exported turn by turn, So cities yore, before the new ones rising, Perish like Adam’s bubbling son. 9 ليسته The Arabs detached from their mighty hordes Are mere courtisans now, that go sometimes To lull their king's sleep with flattering modes Echoing the Pyramids with their chimes 3 And thou Palmyr I with noise fatiguing air Had long called'st thy sons immortal, once-; Now sleep'st in peace and in silence, Covered with shrouds of desert's sandy layers.