
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

शूह 149 - norable, venerable, great, long or accented (vowel;) a spiritual guide, teacher, parent, elder relation, superior, &c. *not, worros, a great crime, a heinous offence. wçarati, •*•rât, vt si, a preceptor's wife, mother, elder fe male relative. efoot, or frå, pregnant, with child. sir, eseră, rre, stări, stfel, a gurus wife, great, weighty, important, heavy, pregnant. গুল, বন্ধুল, অঙ্গারগুটিক, বটিক, সম্প্রহ, a globe, ball, fire-ball, pill, raw sugar or molasses, a collection, multitude, number. [number. গুজক, গুলা, গুগাক-সংগ্রহ সমূহ, a multitude, collection, son forw, salaga to dissolve in a liquid. own, swim,-ego, a bow used to shoot earthen bullets. “f*-*, eforn,-4sel, an individual, a single one. ●बि, গুলী-ৰাটুল, *rēwl, a bullet, ball, cannon ball, pill. wortie, erosions, a sharing by lot or dice, a lottery. *first, corrorsts, globular; a species of fish. গুপ্তাই, গুস্কৃতি,—গুলিক্ষেপণার্থ ধনুক, a pellet bow. শুল্ক, গুঙ্গ,—পাঞ্চির উপরি এস্থি, tertyrs, the ancle, the heel. ss, rry, vrst, ènzarą wn, stri, a shrub, bush, creeping plant, division of an army, the spleen, disease of the spleen. •n, (s, Kærsts), ("fy, aboundingin shrubs, hav ing the spleen, commanding a division. **, *firs; rers, oré, a ravine, deep valley, cave, cavern, pit, pass, defile. екr, zstoting, frata, zaruta, erg, concealable, requiring concealment, solitary, secret, private; the anus, the pudenda. fē1, Rw, NFn, excrement, ordure, filth, rust. ees, sierst-tv, sfoartes, concealed, hidden, secret, private, abstruse. "Noito, ..., a serpent, a snake. утич, в т., а вcout, а вру.

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