
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

178 চোয়। zorwin, wors, exts, cottyts, to parch, calcine, burn to powder. roto-1, $5 rowin, strong in flavour, strong as liquors. tsro, -gi, stuw, zwrs, desire, delight, complacence, pleasure, approbation. [edge. tersta, forw, fowitHR, wraw, to settle, adjust, whet, set an törstw, rstetta, witaw, to set, whet, strap as a razor, &c. টোকাল, চোকাঙ্গ, চোথাল, --চতুর, সুধার, শামিত, keen, clever, sharp, well-set, whetted. [bark of a tree. Lsts, LETS,—uEfLAF sysfRs sfst, vaktal, the fibrous or inner zšteta, šta s ga, rify gi trga, to strip off seeds, to strain in running, to run hard. zětsin, storm, full of long woody fibres. [young woman. , terwi, zrn, nist, rari, a tube, spout, barrel of a gun, a tsie, stors, sti, o, øto, a blow, stroke, wound, bruize, a fall, a hurt. rsrs, #w, exorbitant interest, usury. [wound. চোটান, ঠোকরাণ, মায়ণ, স্বাত্তম, to strike against, smite, hurt, rstal, raiso so, the urine of a beast, or ludicrously of a man, an ill-scented vetch. twists, of unfo, rosta, to pass urine, make water. totaw, atow, to select, pick, choose. tstoi, waters, a blow or stroke from a weapon. tstonw, sootsters, to cause to strike with weapon. rototsa-sis, goss, fews, to imbibe, moisture, sink, be come soft and moist. total, stw, the rind of fruit, peel, tegument. zotz, *g, Hasterstät, footw, a thief, robber, house-breaker. vstạfsun, sfrutạafgeg, sfệm, a peep-hole. - rstspil, tstatis,-siststa, aprickly-seeded grass trou blesome to pedestrians. z57, viosos, ese, enerasto, stolen, clandestine, silent, pri vate, hidden, unperceived. tstate, tetit,—sest, sorgtā, theft, thievery, robbery. চোরাগঞ্জ, জাবৃত্তগৰ্ত্ত, গুগুথাত, a pitfal. vtatol-w, witHotsts, eutsts, a secret blow, assassination. ogle