
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

अड्रिड 187 www, saw, or, xx, ossy, sorts, wild, desert, waste; a desert, forest, wilderness, the weeds &c. overrunning a garden. www.se, offss, esse, desert, wild, uncultivated, waste. ww.it, war, wild, sylvan, growing wild, untamed. wwfn, stal, wrtfin, a limit, boundary, rice-balk, ridge. wool, Sr, wro; the thigh, the leg. was on, offs, a quick walker; marching well. জৰিয়া, জামু আছাদক ৰন্ত্র, short drawers, breeches. westo, wrotéal, &sur, es eits, rubbish, sweepings, a nui sance, disorder, confusion, misfortune. wentrol, itserol, astfest, intricate, confused, troublesome. wis, Entstraz wstwszs", the long matted and tangled hair of a devotee or ascetic. জটল, সৎৰক্ট, coronto, a crowd, multitude of people. aël, wffscot, of to itssto, the matted hair of Shiva and of ascetics, a fibrous root, the long flower stalks of the palm. usrsð, f>træg frFETT-, the matted hair of Shiva, &c. জটাধর, শিৰ, জটাযুক্ত, Shiva, a devotee; having matted hair. wfägi, usion,-votosí, wearing the hair matted and clotted as an ascetic. जद्वेल. জতুৱ—ডিল, föö, a freckle. mark, spot. wsz, SRa, tofs, the belly, the bowels, the womb. জন্তু, স্থূলৰুদ্ধি মূঢ়, চল শক্তিহীন,জালসিয়া, শীত, অবসন্ন, সঞ্চিত, শুদ্ধ, মূল, জানি zerga, stupid, heavy, idiotic, decrepit, inactive, motionless, sluggish, cold, frigid, chilly, benumbed, crowded, collected, heaped together, shrivelled, contracted; a root, origin, source, first cause. জড়ান. ৰেষ্টন, আঁকড়ন, মোড়ান, to wrap or wind round, clasp, cling, writhe, overlay, plate metals, set jewels. wrote, twrotor, the plating of metals, overlaying. ब*क्लड, ৰেষ্টিত, ৰসাল, जघुष्ठिड, इन्तः, **te, set with gems, studded, crowded, contracted, frozen, uttered thick, sputtered, inarticulate. : ... solo - A d ... - Google