
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বিক্রত 433 leviafion of disease, particulars, circumstances, detail; other, different, distinct, particular, peculiar, special. for-Tr, rsFass, ersFs, Tettfe, foss, distinguishing, specifying, particularizing, discriminative, characteristic; an attributive, a sectarial mark. বিশেষণ, বিলক্ষণ গুণাদি, প্রভেদক লক্ষপাদি, গুণৰাচক, উপাধি, a distinctive quality, predicate, characteristic mark, attribute, epithet, an adjective, an adverb or qualifying sentence. ‘. . forgârg, ersaily, farasify, discriminable, distinguishable, to be discriminated. [ly. fit-turss, stkss, particularly, peculiarly, especially, chieffor-saz, eros, far assos, distinguished, discriminated. বিশেষ্য, বিবেচনীয়, ভেদৰীয়, দ্ৰৰ্যৰাচক, প্রভেম্বক, উপাধি, distinguishable, requiring to be particularized, &c. a substantive, a predicate, attributive. firsts, resota, wasisers, free from grief or sorrow. বিশোচন, পরসন্তাপ নাশ করণ, দুঃখ নিৱৰ্ত্তম, to free from grief for-tow, sorts, to purify, cleanse, correct a writing, &c. fৰশোক্ত, ৰেণভূষণ পরিধান, সাঙ্গামি, an adorning, embellishing, e a setting off to advantage. - foots, swifs, starsta, a drying, exsiccation, dryness. ৰিজৰ, বিশ্বসিত, সহিষ্ণু ধীর, নমুমন, ৰিশান্ত, অতিশয়, অধিক, ভূৰি, afna, fascist, trusted, confided in, patient, tranquil, firm, steady, humble, lowly-minded, rested, reposed, excessive, exceeding, much, of festive, jocular, playful." ■ fধগ্রভ, ৰিশ্বাস, হর্ষ, ক্টেবুক,প্রণয়, trust, confidence, hilarity, festivity, mirth, affection, affectionate, enquiry. foots, exfogs, rested, reposed, refreshed after fatigue. ৰিত্ৰান্তি, ৰিভ্ৰাম,~~ৰিৱাম, শ্ৰমত্যাগ, জৰকাশ, ছুটী rest after fatigue, relaxation, repose, refreshment, leisure, * - •' a recess, vacation. . . . . . [affluence. fast, wers, à gáiftfra, bereft of splendour, glory or fiefs, ostesters, fosta, efits, renowned, famous, celebrated. I l o --- le