
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

84 कठे Tsy, stET. TS, F. a cable, rope, halter, tether. *57, afors o-, to be dislocated, slip out of place. zs5qw5g, •if*ą wfs, the chirp of the min n; a supping sound in eating. [coarse powder*51, afore, so, he, a dislocation, a stake, staff, grit, BETzr, starfar, KeyHei, to shoot forth, to bud. *5tz, fx45, aş-Şi, garreifa, a dispute, murmuring, hag gling at a bargain. asfs, crears, Ráto. delicate, tender, young. কচুরী, পিষ্টক বিশেষ, Hss, a sort of cake. [rustling. zoo, zooifa, a murmuring, grumbling, clipping sound, - zoofsgi, o, farts, a course grass used in common mats. *Esē, araçi, zasazifR, a brawl, coatention, quarrel, grumbling, murmur. '. কচ্ছ, কুল, জোল, *gos at #3 rotatist, a shore, a marsh, the end of a garment tucked in at the waist, the Toon tree. zsugot, gní, a tortoise, a turtle. কচ্ছ, চুলকানী, কগু, the itch, a scab. কচটন, কচুটান, —ছানন, to knead. - কচfান, মুকুলোদগম, মুঞ্জরণ, the buddin's of a tree, to bud. agro, rotes, otoss, torub clothes &c. in washing, to rinse. zoo, ott, a roots, a court of law or justice, public office. [eye-paint. asso, ogo, -wow, black pigment, lead ore, lamp black, ago, firsts -toi, o, a twig or branch of bamboo. ag, sizes; remää, the skin or slough of a snake. কঙ্কা, zoas, wisgton, A3, id: armour, mail, a bodice orjacket, .short drawers. a gar...ent يعه zeggja, zstāHoí, the black cobra de capello. কঞ্চলক, #Itfi, wooters, a woman's bodice or jacket. কম্বর, ጙዝ. সূৰ্য্য, জঠর, রক্ষু, Brahma, the sun, the belly, a rope maker. * * * zo, Eto'o, Efss sie, sie, Tsts, the hip, the loins, the temples of an elephant, a treaty, bond, fixed period, a mat, a screen. ogle