Page 50, line 12 from the bottom, for 1114, read 1184.
Page 91, line— 12, from the bottom for epicureans, read epicures.
Page 97, line— 8, 2from the bottom for him, read Crœsus.
Page 102, lin— 5, 2from the bottom for the Romans, read Rome.
Page 108, lin— 5, 2from the bottom dele Grecian.
Page 146, lin— 10, 2from the bottoi for track, read tract.
Page 188, lin— 14, 2from the bottoi for and passed, read and had passed.
Page 263, lin— 2, 2from the bottom for the Greeks, read and the Greeks.
Page 271, lin— 2, 2from the bottom for Argus, read Argos.
Page 296, lin— 5, 2from the bottom for had been, read were found to have.
Page 380, lin— 4, 2from the bottom for Rome, read the Romans.
Page 402, lin— 7, 8, 2from the botti for their countries, read them.
Page 482, lin— 1, 2from the bottom for his days, read the days.